Chapter 3

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Ryan couldn't believe he'd let himself be kidnapped.

A couple of the Corpirate's henchmen using dirty tricks to get the better of him. Ryan was skilled himself, but it's hard to fight back when you're clubbed in the back of the head and knocked out cold within seconds. When he had awoken, he was blindfolded, a little bit of light shining through the thin fabric. He had no idea where he was right now, except for the fact that the rope binding his hands together was really beginning to dig into his wrists as it held them above his head, forcing him to stand straight up. Nothing was around him from what he could feel, moving his head drastically from side to side to try and detect some sort of figure within the room, but to no avail. It was then that he realized his mask was not on, making him feel vulnerable from the cold air that was hitting his face. Ryan tugged at his restraints, cutting deep into his wrists to the point where he could of easily broken one. He didn't dare to try and speak out, knowing that doing so could get him into some trouble. What kind? He didn't know, but it's better to be safe then sorry.

Minutes crawled on with no indication as to where he was inside the Corpirate's hell hole, this lack of knowledge really starting to make the mercenary grow inpatient. He opened his mouth to try and say something, but was instantly interrupted when a door in front of him opened. A pair of shoes tapped along the floor towards him before he felt a strong presence in front of him, the force of it almost physically pushing Ryan back.

"Yargh, ye be lookin' a little tied up aren't ye?" A voice said, recognizably the Corpirate's from the deep pirate like drawl he prominently had in his voice.


"The one and only."

Ryan could feel his anger bubbling up, all of the frustration and sincere grief he'd been feeling towards the Corpirate beginning to resurface as he felt his face get hot.

"You piece of shit. Where the hell is Gavin? I swear to god if you..."

Ryan heard a small chuckle, followed by a hand coming up to his cheek in a caressing manner - disgusting.

"Oh Ryan...Gavin's already dead."

Ryan's heart dropped.

Gavin's dead. Gavin's dead. No there was no way he was dead. He'd been fine hours ago the Corpirate wouldn't- The Corpirate would. He'd been planning this all along and was never intending to give Gavin back in the first place. Ryan knew something was up, and now it was too fucking late.

"He's...dead?" Ryan choked out, his voice sounding halted and broken.

"Yep, he's gone. Refused to believe that ye guys weren't coming. Took a bit of convincing to get him to even give up on the idea - to give up on ye lot. He broke eventually, and just gave up. Let the darkness consume him," the Corpirate stated, his nonchalant tone digging into Ryan's chest.

Ryan couldn't respond, his emotions getting the better of him as it seemed to close up his throat, refusing to let him utter a word of sorrow. Something more of a choked sound came out, seeming to satisfy the Corpirate from the way that he let out a snicker and came around behind Ryan. His hands fell in front of him, still tied up, but movable enough to immediately turn around and elbow the Corpirate straight in the nose. He still couldn't see, but with all his bottled up emotions spilling out, he could easily depict exactly where the bastard was as he was ready to unleash hell onto him.

"Motherfucker. You fucking motherfucker i'll rip your damn throat out!" Ryan roared, immediately being held back by a couple of the Corpirate's henchmen that came into the room.

Ryan wasn't going to stop now. He thrashed and screamed profanities and threats, all the while taking down many of the henchmen that were trying desperately to contain him. Eventually they did, holding him roughly up against a wall as his face was pushed into the cold wall. Ryan jerked and scrambled, trying so hard to just slip free and punch out the Corpirate right in his only good eye. The eye that was now staring daggers at Ryan as he stared back with much more force and emotion behind it seeing as his blindfold now lay around his neck.

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