❤️Welcome to Durdham Academy❤️

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The boy who got on the bus was headed my way. He had brown hair that almost covered his eyes, but I was still able to see how green they were. He also had a green hoodie and a shirt that said "Smeg Head." He had skinny jeans, and both his shoes and backpack were white with various doodles all over them. He had a wristband with the British flag.

He excitedly sat down next to me. "Hello!" He greeted.

That's a first. People usually don't willingly talk to me. I removed my earbuds. "Uh... hi." I greeted back.

"Are you new around here?" The boy tilted his head. More questions.

I decided to remove my earbuds. "Uh, yeah. First day is today."

"Cool! Where are you from?"

"I moved here from Norway. Oslo."

"Ooo, Oslo's cool! I visited with my parents once..." He thought. "Anyways, welcome to England!" The boy beamed.

He seems nice enough.

"You uh- didn't give me your name yet."

"Oh, right! The name's Edward Gold! But just call me Edd." He hummed.

"I'm Tord Larsen."

"I hope we can become good friends, Tord." Edd smiled as he doodled in his sketchbook. He seems pretty skilled at what he does.

"...I hope so too." I smiled back at the other.

"So uh- what classes do you have? Depending on what they are, I could maybe help you find your way around here." Edd tilted his head. I dug through my backpack and brought out my schedule before I gave it to Edd.

"Ah... our schedules are practically identical! The only difference is that you have phys-ed during fifth period and I don't..."

Edd laughed. "I can show you around! Maybe help you get to know everyone at Durdham Academy..." He offered as he opened a can of cola. Where'd he get that, actually?

I nodded. "Heh... thanks. That'd be helpful."

It would be. Aside from maybe this kid I could avoid everyone else. And potential trouble. Plus, he's the only guy who doesn't think I'm a complete fucking weirdo at the moment. "I have a gut feeling we're gonna be good friends." I grinned.

Edd bounced in his seat. "YAY!! Buddies!"

"Now, about the cola... where'd you get that?" I tilted my head, admittedly curious.

Edd snickered. "I may or may not be obsessed with cola. I sneak some cola cans into my backpack for when I'm at school.


The conversation continued as the bus picked up more students. Apparently we both like anime and videogames, and Edd also was a fan of Panty and Stocking. We exchanged suggestions and Edd doodled some characters on the bus. He even showed me some comics he made. Eventually, we arrived at the school.

We explored the campus a bit. Edd showed me the cafeteria, the library, and areas where various students hang out. He even introduced me to some friends of his, Laurel and Hellucard.

He showed me the bleachers last. "And here's the bleachers and the grassy playing field of Durdham Academy!" He excitedly spoke, doing jazz hands as I witnessed the playing field in all of its glory.

"Damn, this school is huge. And then there's the field too-" I spoke, admittedly stunned.

"This is where most of the athletic students hang out. You'll see them running around on the field in their freetime. Likewise, the popular kids are here too!" Edd beamed.

"Popular kids?" I tilted my head. I never really paid attention to social groups in my old school and high school movies bored me. Overall I was unfamiliar with the term.

"You know! The ones that hold the best parties- or they're the most charismatic or good-looking or something." Edd smiled.

Ah, my polar opposites. Carry on.

"Most are pretty cool! Just avoid the Big Three." Edd shuddered.

"Big Three?" I raised a brow. So much to memorise. It was admittedly stupid that they even had their own name, like they were an antagonist group in an anime. I suppose it makes it easier to identity them, though.

"Ah... Eduardo, Mark, and Jon. They're only 'popular' because they have dirt on other students... so most respect them outta fear." Edd rolled his eyes.

"Jon's okay though- I don't know WHY he hangs out with the other two. Especially Eduardo! Eduardo's just the worst!" Edd groaned.

"What did you just say?"

Edd and I froze at the unknown, menacing voice. We turned towards the source.

There were three guys. One wore a polo shirt that was dark green and had brown hair similar to Edd's, though his was styled differently and he had facial hair. He looked something like Edd's counterpart. Another was a blonde with a pink turtleneck sweater. The last one also had brown hair and a dark blue button-up shirt, and he was more timid in nature.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here? Fresh meat and Edward Gold talking shit about us again?" Eduardo crossed his arms.

"Actually, I was warning the new kid about you and your group, Eduardo." Edd narrowed his eyes at the group.

The brown haired one waved at me. "Oh, welcome to Durdham Academy!" He smiled and I awkwardly waved back. Eduardo snapped his fingers, and the blonde punched the brunette in the face.

"Shut it, Jon."

I frowned. "Come on now, is that really necessary?"

Eduardo laughed. "Trying to play hero? He's my goon. He doesn't need saving or anything because he's loyal to me."

"Loyal, or scared of you?" I scoffed, Edd desperately mouthing something at me. Though I have no idea what he's saying. He seems desperate.

"What, do you think you're some main character? This isn't one of your stupid cartoons where you actually save the day." He approached me, leaning towards my face.

It's anime, asshat.

"I bet you just sit at home crying over the fact no one likes you."

"You know what? No one likes me, but at least I'm fucking honest about it instead of lying to myself. You use the single braincell you have to try and overcompensate." I snapped.

Eduardo and his goons fell silent as Edd winced.

I... fucked up, didn't I?

"...Not even an hour on campus and you made me your enemy, new kid." Eduardo growled, cracking his knuckles, getting closer to me as I backed away. Other students were starting to watch.

"I'm going to grab you by your pathetic lil' demon horns and send you back to hell!" He yelled.

Students were gathering around us now. I actually began to tremble due to everything going on. Sure, I was trying to keep my cool, but I didn't expect things to escalate this quickly.

Hesitantly, I clenched my fists and got into the best fighting stance I could muster.

"Bring it on."

Young Love: The Rewrite (A Mattord Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now