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"So do you have any ideas?" Beomgyu and Yeonjun were discussing their topic for their project.

"We could do sterilisation of water using bleaching powder that shouldn't be too hard to do in the given time." Yeonjun said nonchalantly.

"Yeaa sounds good." Beomgyu was so surprised about Yeonjun. He never noticed how smart he actually was. It was kind of attractive. Really attractive actually.

The more he thought about it he realised more things about Yeonjun that were attractive.

The way he would come up with ideas so fast and just the way he carried himself was impressive to Beomgyu. Both his mannerisms and looks were mesmerising.

He started staring at Yeonjun and couldn't help but think about his hair and how nice it was styled, almost too perfect. His style just complimenting his figure. The way he manspreads when he sits. Mostly his lips and eyes catched Beomgyus attention. They were so-

"You like what you see?" Yeonjun said with a little smirk interrupting Beomgyus thoughts. Beomgyu realised that he was staring at Yeonjun a bit too long.

"Could be better." Beomgyu said trying to save himself from embarrassment.

"Mhmm" Yeonjun hummed, "Sure." Yeonjun said with a smile now looking directly into Beomgyus eyes.

Beomgyu could feel his heart skipping a beat. Yeonjun definitely made him feel things.

They continued to work on their project without any embarrassing moments from Beomgyu.

"Okay that should be enough for today." Yeonjun said actually shocked that they came this far.

Yeonjun started packing his schoolbag and just left without a word.

Beomgyu was rather disappointed even tho he didn't expect Yeonjun to be nice to him out of nowhere he still hoped for a goodbye.

"Hows your project with Yeonjun doing? Taehyun asked Beomgyu.

"It's alright I expected worse. I actually realised that he isn't even that bad." Beomgyu answered thinking about Yeonjn again. "What do you mean?" Taehyun asked.

"Like he's oddly attractive? I mean he's still an asshole and i don't like him but i can't deny that he is in fact pretty hot." Beomgyu said with a shrug.

"Ahh and when I said it's stupid?" Soobin said now annoyed.

"So are you like interested in him?" Taehyun asked curious. "Nah it's not that, I just think he's attractive." Beomgyu answered like it was no big deal.

"Well that might change." Soobin added. Beomgyu just gave him a weird look and frowned his eyebrows. "Definitely not i could never fall for an asshole."

"Speaking of Yeonjun, his friend Mark is gonna make a party this weekend and im gonna be there with Sakura and you guys should definitely come." Taehyun explained.

"Hmm I don't really like party's tho." Beomgyu said crossing his arms. "Please Beomgyu don't let me third wheel." Soobin begged.

"Yea whatever i'll come then. " Beomgyu just gave in.
"Perfect see you guys then." Taehyun said leaving the two behind and making his way to his girlfriend Sakura.

The next day Yeonjun and Beomgyu were working on their project again. They continued on where they stopped last time.

"Could you get an titration flask from the shelf?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu. Beomgyu gave a nod and walked up to the shelf. He found the flask but it's a bit higher up than he thought. He tried to reach it but fuck he couldn't. "This is embarrassing." Beomgyu whispered to himself.

"Need any help?" Yeonjun asked because Beomgyu took too long to come back and he could clearly see him struggle.

He walked up to Beomgyu and in matter of seconds he was right behind him. He reached to the flask and grabbed it. Now standing even closer behind Beomgyu to the point where his chest was touching Beomgyus back.

Beomgyus heartbeat fasten and Yeonjun still hasn't moved. "Are you getting nervous?" Yeonjun asked leaning in a bit more to the point where he could almost touch Beomgyus ear.

Beomgyu freed himself from the situation and walked away. "Why would I?" Beomgyu asked back trying to remain chill.

"You tell me." Yeonjun said with a smile walking behind Beomgyu. Beomgyu chose to ignore it.

They continued to work on their project. They actually talked quite a lot of course they had some bickering here and there but other than that it was pretty chill.

Until Beomgyu dropped the flask and cutting his finger while trying to pick the glass up. "Ouch" Beomgyu almost screamed out.

Yeonjun took Beomgyus hand to look at his finger. Beomgyu immediately went silent after the touch now looking at Yeonjun.

He looked so concerned until "You're such a crybaby." Yeonjun said sounding like he didn't care about it but then he stood up and got the first aid kit.

He helped Beomgyu with his hurt finger. Beomgyu was just watching Yeonjun do his thing. He looked so caring in this moment. Maybe Yeonjun was sweeter than Beomgyu thought he was.

After Yeonjun was done he put the first aid kit back and sat back down on his seat.

Beomgyu was still deep in thoughts until a notification popped up on Yeonjuns phone.

Beomgyu watched him take his phone and open the message. Yeonjun now had a smile on his face while answering the message he got.

"Who are you texting with?" Beomgyu asked because he was way too curious. "Why do you care?" Yeonjun asked back. "I don't." Beomgyu answered almost too fast.

"Kazuha." Yeonjun said. Beomgyu then remembered that day were he saw Yeonjun obviously flirt with her in the hall.

"There's a party this weekend." Yeonjun added. "I know im going as well." Beomgyu said proudly.

"Oh so you're cool now." Yeonjun let out a little chuckle.

Beomgyu just frowned his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Yeonjun thought it was cute.

"Alright enough for today I have places to go. Yeonjun said packing his things and leaving once again without a goodbye.

Beomgyu was hurt but this time not because of the leaving but more because he was jealous. Jealous of Kazuha. The way Yeonjun was smiling when he answered her message. He wished Yeonjun would smile at him like that.

"Fuck." Beomgyu groaned because he really didn't want to catch feelings for someone who he knew would just end up hurting him.

He didn't trust Yeonjun but he couldn't stop thinking about him.

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