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"We need to talk."

Beomgyu and Wooyoung look at Yeonjun confused.

"Now!" Yeonjun said starting to get really angry.

They walked upstairs to a empty room.

Beomgyu sat down on the bed and looked up to Yeonjun who just slammed the door.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Uhm partying?" Beomgyu said unbothered.

"And why did you feel the need to kiss my friend in front of me?" Yeonjun said getting more angry with each word he let out.

"Since when do you feel the need to tell me what to do and what not." Beomgyu said standing up also getting pissed now.

"I don't want you going around kissing people!"

"Oh and you can?" Beomgyu walked up to Yeonjun standing right in front of him.

"It's different."

"How the fuck is it different Yeonjun?"

"Because you know exactly that I don't feel anything when I kiss those girls."

"How do you know if I feel anything."

"I don't but I don't wanna risk finding out." Yeonjun said with a more serious tone.

"Why do you even care? Mr. no commitment? Did you forget about what we are. It's not serious so I can do what I want. If I kiss someone or not, if I feel something or not its all none of your business!" Beomgyu said fed up and walked out the room.

Beomgyu rushed downstairs. On his way down he saw his sister.

"Beomgyu! Are you here with Yeonjun?" Chaewon said with a teasing smile.

In that moment Yeonjun rushed down the stairs as well walking past them.

"Oh I guess that answered my question."

"Actually it didn't im here with Wooyoung not Yeonjun." Beomgyu said folding his arms.

"What were you doing upstairs with Yeonjun then?"

"He was acting like he can tell me what to do." Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"Oh he's jealous." Chaewon said amused.

"He's just annoying thats what he is."

"Isn't it good that he's jealous it means he cares about you."

"Oh you don't know Yeonjun then."

Beomgyu went back to Wooyoung who was sitting at the couch with Mark.

"Oh you're back?"

"Yeah.." Beomgyu sighed and sat next to Wooyoung.

"By the way Mark I think you should go talk to my sister I think she likes you."

"For real?!" Mark said blushing. "Dudeee.. Aight imma go to her then." Mark said with a smile.

"What did Yeonjun say?"

"It's nothing really. I think he's just worried for you because you're his friend." Beomgyu lied.

"Oh okay."

Beomgyu looked around and saw Yeonjun talking to a girl while drinking. A lot.

"Looks like he's having fun." Beomgyu said pissed off.

"Beomgyu?" Wooyoung said looking at Beomgyu


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