Chapter 8, Fix It Up

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Jaune was rummaging through a literal ton of boxes of left-behind shit.
And it was nothing more than shit.

Well, for the most part.
Most were just fabric and leather that were weathered beyond any use.
What was of use was the leather working equipment he found.
This warehouse was some kind of makeshift tailor shot, that made belts and pouches.
With the equipment stored in his storage ring, he continued to search and throw out all the shit he found.

Making his way through another dozen boxes he uncover that the room that was used as a storage was actually an office... A large office full of boxes of shit.

Making room in said office and clearing out all the trash he came face to face with a table full of shit, a filing cabinet, a dried-up house plant, and an old leather couch, that has clearly seen better days.
The leather was ripped in a lot of places and falling apart in many more. But to his surprise, beneath the leather, the couch was in pristine condition.

Getting an idea, Jaune cleared out the office of all the shit and started to dust off the room with the help of a broom he found. The only things left were the filing cabinet, which was now empty, the table, much the same emptied out, and the couch.

After half an hour, in which Neo stopped by and dropped off a box of their belongings, before going back for the rest, he was done cleaning out the office.

With the room clean he went to work stripping the couch of its old cover. Pilling out the leather working kit and six of the sixteen pieces of leather from his inventory he prepared for work.

Getting to work he used his knowledge of tailoring and made a template from the old cover and some of the paper that was lying around. Cutting said leather was not that easy, but he got the hang of it quickly due to the high level of his class.

Stitching the leather together was much the same, and within half an hour he made a new cover and put it on the couch.

Satisfied with his work he popped down on the sofa and rested for a bit.

That's when he got a notification.


Due to expanding your area of work and working with leather, you gained the perk [Leatherworker].
This perk increases the quality and stats of any leather-based equipment you create.

Jaune smiled at that, as he already planned in creating some armor out of the best of the leather. But now it will be boosted by this perk.

He dismissed the notification and stood up.

Walking out of the office he went to check the rest of the current site of the warehouse.
Three more offices that can be turned into personal quarters, that also need a lot of cleaning. And a large lounge area that could be turned into two, maybe three more quarters.

'We got a lot of work with this. But it will pay in the end.' he thought.

Snapping him out of his thoughts, Neo and Roman returned. They both were carrying a cardboard box.

Plopping them down beside the one box Neo brought earlier, Roman turned to Jaune.

Pulling out a bunch of papers from his suit jacket he waved them in the air.

"This is the contract that makes us the owners of this shithole." he started with his arms spread out.

"Ok, technically my name is the only one on the contact, but you get what I mean." he added.

Jaune smiled.
"Nice work, put it on the desk in there." he said pointing to the cleared-out office.

"I've cleared it out, so we have a space to sleep that isn't unroofed," he said looking over to the meeting area, where the hole in the roof is all to present.

"I also fixed up a couch, which I call dips on fit sleeping." he said earning a chuckle from Roman and a pout from Neo.

"I'm gonna get to work on clearing out the rest. Should I be prepared for anything?" asked Roman.

"A lot of weathered fabric and leather. And I mean a lot, you probably saw the amount I threw out." stated Jaune.

"Brother Gods." he sighed in annoyance.

"Just check if there is anything useful. I'll be heading out to get some stuff from my place and to flip if the shirt landlord." Haune said leaving the 'Guildhall'.

Timeskip, scene change.

Arriving back at his 'Hone' he had for the last few years he came face first with his shirt landlord.

"Like I told you, be home on tent day if you want to-" he was cut off by Jaune.

"I'm leaving." he started making.
"I only came back to collect my stuff. So fuck off." he spat.

The landlord mumbled some curses under his breath but left without causing any more problems.

Not wasting any time jaune went to collect what little he owned.

A sewing set he used to repair his clothing.
A large blanket.
A half-used medkit.
A plain white button-up shirt.

Putting all of that into his storage ring, he went to the shift bed and mowed it over. Listening up and removing a floorboard he pulled a folded piece of heavy fabric from the space be neat the floor.

Unfolding the fabric revealed two objects.

One was a pendant in the shape of a flat round metal plate, depicting a stormy sea. On the back side, an inscription in silver said: Whom shall rise from the depths shall reign supreme.

The other was a golden ring with blue accents. It had a flat blue top with two golden arcs topping it. On the insides the words 'Viva la Arcadia' we're engraved.

He growled at the memories that this brought up and put both accessories in his storage and put the cloth in his pocket before he fixed up the floor and bed.

Leaving the small apartment, he was met with his former landlord once more.

The landlord was trying to convince him to stay, even trying to lover the rent by a minimal amount but was met with a key to his face and a middle finger from the leaving Jaune.

Jaune making his way back, picked up some cheap food on his way back, putting him down 10lien, but with one of his goals is getting rid of the [Underweight] debug, which nerfed him a lot, so he needed to eat properly. If he wanted to make money, he needs to be able to fight, to be able to fight he need all strength he can get.

'You gotta spend money to make money.'. He thought.

Making his way back, he was met with his two guild members and a few bottles of whiskey.

"Get in here, we outa celebrate." shouted Roman.

With the three of them celebrating the unofficial founding of the guild, the day came to an end.

And tomorrow, is the big day...

Watch out Beacon, here comes Jaune Cross!

To be continued...

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