Cheers to Death

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I sit alone at a table
In an old bar softly lit
And share with you a fable
Of the souls that occupy it

A bright light pierces the glass doors
As a dark figure enters the room
He crosses over to a booth
Seating a pregnant bride and a humble groom
He sits next to the bride
And gently places a hand on her back
She begins to cry
For suddenly she starts to lack

The figure then moves to the bar
And stands between two men, one young one elder
He places each hand on their back and guides them away
He leads them toward the light when suddenly he's pulled astray
A young woman with a heart of sorrow
Weeps and falls to her knees
Kisses the feet of the darkened shadow
And to accompany him, she pleas
The shadow kneels to her and wipes a tear
Slowly pulls her up and whispers "have no fear"
He continues to guide the three to the light
Leaving me horrified and angered by the sight

Moments later, the figure returns to the scene
And glances over til his gaze fell on me
He comes over and seats the chair across
And begins to ask if my soul is lost
"I am filled with hate," was my reply
"None of these souls here deserved to die
"You leave a family here to cry
"And take souls destined with full lives.
"Shame on you to destroy this world
"Take your evil back to the hole you burrowed"

"My child," he said to me. "You misunderstand.
"I'm a bringer of peace To this unfair land.
"Where you see darkness, I see light.
"You're lost in death where there is also life.
"The bride and groom bore unhealthy fruit, so I sent him home
"The elder man lived a long life and was ready to go
"The younger man was cancerous and could not thrive
"And the young woman suffered so much sorrow, she could not continue life.
"For all these souls redemption is received
"So you can trust I'm a giver of piece.
"I can see your heart is burdened too
"And if you give me your hand, I will carry you."

My heart was softened by the words he spoke
And Anger became gratitude after hearing this note
"Your offer is gracious," I had said.
"But I am not ready to go just yet.
"Would you care to company me in a drink?"
"Splendid!" He said as two glasses appeared in a wink.
"To peace and harmony," cheered the shadow.
He lifted his glass and downed it in one swallow.
The shadow rose to his feet and bid farewell
He vanished into the light which faded as well.
I stood up, the drink still in my hand
With a softer heart now that I understand
I walked to the exit and took a pause
To ponder the place that mistook me for lost
I raised my glass, to this tale's end
And shouted these words: "CHEERS TO DEATH!"

                                  THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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