- Four - Impressions -

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- Dean's POV -
Cas knocks on the front door until I answer it.
"What?" I say swinging the door open.
"School?" He asks. I nod and grab my backpack. My best friend. Always ready for anything.
"Sammy! Let's go!" I yell. He comes down the stairs at a high enough speed tht I almost think he fell down them gracefully. He grabs his bag and runs to school.
"Bye Bobby!" I yell.
"Have a good day." Bobby yells from upstairs. I shut the door and start walking with Cas to school.

Protect him like you protect Sam.

I tell myself. I can't let Crowley bother Cas. Not on his first day.

Cas and I walk through the front doors into the office. He gets handed a sheet of paper with his classes on it. It is only 4th grade. Not much entertaining.
Same classes as me.

I turn the corner on the way to our first class and Crowley takes a fistfull of my shirt. I sigh.
"New friend?" He asks.
"Yes." I reply with boredom.
"What's his name?" Crowley asks.
"None of your business." I reply glancing at Cas thoughtfully. The look on his face is pure dread. Crowley drops me and walks over to Cas. I scramble up to a standing position.
"Every new kid has to get one." Crowley says. He puts his hand in a fist and lifts it. I slip in front of Cas taking the punch for him. My vision goes dark for a moment and snaps back.
"Crowley. Do not touch him or so help me I will hurt you." I threaten.
"How sweet. You can't protect him forever, Winchester." Crowley sneers and walks away. Cas looks at me with an undefined emotion.
"Are you okay?" He asks blankly. I nod.
"It's happened before. The black eye will set in within the next 10 minutes." I say putting my arm around Cas's shoulders guiding him to class as the bell rings.
We walk into class and get a few strange looks but most of the kids are already painted on. I walk up to the teacher.
"Hi Mrs Hunter." I say keep my arm draped over Cas's shoulders. She turns around and looks at the both of us.
"Hello, Dean. Who's this." She asks smiling.
"Castiel Novak." Cas says nervously. He looks down at the ground stepping slightly closer to me.
"So, my usual spot. Can we go there?" I ask.
"I thought the point of your usual spot was to be alone." She says.
"I do want to be alone. With Cas." I say staring at her.
"Okay. Get your supplies. I'll unlock the door and wait for you." She says. I nod and let my arm fall off Cas's shoulders. He is walking so close to me that he almost steps on my heels. I grab Cas a sketchbook and then grab some pencil crayons and my sketchbook and lead Cas out of the classroom. We see Crowley again and Cas grabs my sleeve and tugs me back in the classroom silently.
"Cas, it's okay. He can't hurt me during classtime." I say. Cas shakes his head and I wait until he see Crowley walk past the classroom. I lean out and don't see him so I grab Cas's sleeve and pull him around the corner. We walk down the hall to the little outdoor area that we have. Like a courtyard except kids are only aloud in with teacher permission.
"Thanks Mrs. Hunter." I say walking in with Cas behind me.
"Absolutely. I'll be back in an hour to get you guys for next class." She says. I nod and she closes the door, locking it again.
The windows have bushes covering them and people have piled posters over the door so you can't see in. The skyroof lets in a clear bright light onto the flowers. Cas watches a bee as it flies around for a bit. I smile at the amazement in his eyes. I sit on the grass and look at the flower infront of me. There is a butterfly sitting on it. Almost asking to he drawn. I sketch out the rough lines of the flower and the butterfly. Then the detail on the butterfly. I pull out a blue pencil crayon and begin to colour it and the butterfly lands on the top of my sketchpad. I look at it smiling. It flies away looking almost satisfied that I drew it. I glance at Cas who is laying on the grass drawing a flower aswell. I smile and continue drawing my butterfly. I may only be in fourth grade but my teacher says I have grade nine drawing qualities. We sit silently working on our drawings for basically the entire class. The teacher comes to get us so we silently pack up our stuff and head back. The black eye set in.
"Dean, what happened?" Mrs. Hunter asks.
"Protecting Cas from a bully. It doesn't hurt. It's okay." Lie.
"Don't you want ice?" She asks.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you." I say.
"Okay." She says giving me a worried look.
"Come on, Cas." I say grabbing his wrist and tugging him to our next class.

The rest of the day consists of going through school with questions about the black eye, showing Cas around and avoiding Crowley. Like every other day that I've come to this school minus the Cas part. But I'm glad he's here now.

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