Not much, really

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Violet, 16 February, 9:36 pm:

The chapter title pretty much explains it all. Today we had I&A (Inquiry and Advocacy, I'm also not too sure what that is, and I think it's pretty useless) and D&T (design and technology, and please don't ask me what it's about, i know what it is about but it's so hard that even my brain can't handle it, and my partner is completely useless, besides, from the subject name, you can already tell what it is). Both these subjects are extremely boring, and D&T aid extreme,y hard as well, but at least we had Chinese today, that's one of my favourite subjects, and today is also Total Defence Day (a.k.a TDD, the day in history where some years ago, Singapore surrendered to the Japanese or something, I finished reading the Y1 history textbook a long time ago so I may have forgotten some details, don't judge.)

There were games regarding the six Pillars of Defense, and although they were really fun, we had to fill in some worksheet to make it more "educational", and although the worksheet wasn't hard, it was definitely really troublesome and made the games wayyy less fun.

But at least today after school, my parents brought me to a shopping mall to eat dinner and it was so good, but that means that I came home later and I have to sleep later in order to do my homework.

Something to look forward to is that tomorrow my teacher will be giving out Chinese composition back, and I can see how well I can do for my Chinese compositions in secondary school. Although in primary school I usually get full marks, but I'm not so sure in secondary school as the standards have gone up a lot.

Also, THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY (TGIF, at least it will be tomorrow), so that means the weekend is here and I can finally rest properly.

Alright, that's all for now, it's getting late and I need to continue to do my homework. So goodbye.


Violet, 16 February, 9:43 pm:

Well I don't have much to say to myself except for the fact that I'm happy for you (myself) that it's finally Friday and you can take your well deserved break. Good luck with your homework though, it is a lot.


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