chapter one

11 1 14

"we've brought weed just like you've asked. now, let us in!"

"and the shrooms?"

a loud sigh. "and the shrooms."

the door of the dungeon-like common room with greenish lamps and rough stone walls opened. "welcome, come inside." from the entrance hall to the dungeons, where the party was, hufflepuff students were patiently waiting in line on the stone steps. right behind them there was a few ravenclaws, too.

the fire was crackling under a carved mantelpiece. the dungeon extended under the lake which gave the light in the room a green tinge. slytherin students were sitting on the leather sofas, patiently waiting for the hufflepuffs to enter the room so the real party could be started. a set of skulls was decorating the dark wood cupboards. the atmosphere was relatively cold, but no one was bothered.

all the students were warned never to bring students from other houses into the common room, or to reveal the password, but no one cared at this point. except for the griffyndors. they weren't invited. the remaining three houses mutually agreed to keep their meetings a secret. they were nothing but party breakers anyway.

"when are the ravenclaws coming? they should bring the potions. i overheard they brewed some good ones this time," a boy questioned with a cheeky smile plastered on his lips.

"shut up, black. you're fucking thirteen. stay away. you're lucky that we're letting you drink firewhiskey with us," another boy exclaimed. everyone who overheard the conversation laughed.

beatrix, the hufflepuff girl who has happened to be the prefect, was approached by maximilian. "how ironic. you've been given extra authority by headmaster and here you are, selling drugs on the party. are you sure that you've been sorted in the right house?"

"and here you are. the prefect buying weed. you're not better than me. we're the same," she snarled while placing the small, transparent plastic bag in his hand. "that would be three galleons."

"now, tell me. how do you manage to grow cannabis without professor sprout noticing?" he asked curiously.

beatrix shrugged. "oh, well. we all have secret hiding spots in our dorms. plus, someone found some random invisibility cloak so we covered the plants with it. with a bit of luck, no one will ever find out."

"you must be dumb to think you'll manage to keep it a secret forever," he exhaled. "good luck, i suppose."

"don't you worry about me." she placed three golden coins she received in her pocket and turned around, getting lost in the crowd. maximilian shook his head, sighed and ripped the bag open. he sat down by the table and rolled himself a joint. "incendio," he muttered and lit it up with the tip of his wand.

"someone cast the spell! we're starting!" the girl yelled as she climbed the table. her words were loud and slurred. her lips felt numb when she licked them, but she grabbed the bottle and took another sip of the whiskey.

finally, someone mumbled the charm, swished and flicked their wand to make the common room soundproof. the music boomed suddenly and made everyone scream in excitement. the windows seemed to shake with the intensity.

on the other side of the door, on the hallway, there was only silence. slytherin's common room became a hangout spot for unhinged teenagers. if anyone knocked, as example - a few ravenclaws who were late - no one would notice or hear it. luckily, they knew the password for that day so they slipped inside as quickly as they could. the crowd swallowed them.

hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry became an asylum for irresponsible young witches and wizards. some of them were drunk, some of them were high. there were groups of people dancing, singing, casting spells, snogging and another smaller group who made even the youngest of them drink. no one who was sane and stable would hand the bottle of whiskey or beer to an eleven year old child. simply, it was a collective mess. some were disagreeing with the idea of first year students participating in the party, but no one cared enough to protest against it.

"what day is it today?" the girl in blue yelled. she pressed the tip of her wand on her throat so someone could actually hear her over the music.

"friday," someone replied, using the same trick.

another slurred scream. "does anyone sell shrooms?!"

there was at least twenty hands in the air.

beatrix was sitting in the corner of the room. she looked bored, but she was having the time of her life. she was literally tripping balls.

"want some acid? we figured out how to make it last week. it's not hundred percent safe yet, but you won't die. that's for sure," the girl, who judging by the robes she was wearing belonged to ravenclaw, offered her. "i am ophelia, by the way. you must be beatrix."

the blonde girl turned her head and nodded at the mention of her name. "sorry. what did you just say?"

"i was offering you acid. but... i see you're already out of this world, so forget about it," she mumbled. "accio," ophelia pointed her wand towards the table on the other side of the room. the beer bottle flew into her hand; on its way there, it smacked a couple of people.

"want a sip?" she offered, but beatrix, unresponsive as ever, shook her head.

"you're mute?"

beatrix chuckled. "no, i don't think so. i'm just-"

she didn't continue the sentence. she simply closed her eyes and exhaled. the hufflepuff prefect didn't feel like talking. luckily, the new situation on the other side of the room caught ophelia's attention.

"someone clean it up, oh my god. disgusting!"

everyone turned their heads towards the table which the girl climbed earlier. she was still there, but vomiting all around, over everything and everyone. after that, it was like a chain reaction - all the students were disgusted by it, then started throwing up as well. the party did not stop. no one took a break or left. in half an hour, it was sorted out and cleaned up by very few sober people. or sober enough to be able to cast a spell. the complete chaos, it was.

the moment ophelia turned around again to talk to beatrix she realised she wasn't there. her seat was empty. she couldn't spot her in a crowd, people were moving too quickly. "i guess i will just find someone else to be friends with."

the whole night felt ecstatic, euphoric. the lights started changing colors, the music was just getting louder. someone even manage to sneak in the kitchen and bring some food. there was a dozen of rules which were broken that night, but no one cared. they stayed on the tables and danced the night away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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