Author Note

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I'm sorry to have to say this but I'm discontinuing this story. I have a rough idea of where I was going with this but nothing solid, so I don't think I can ever continue this. However, I will give you the basic idea that I do remember.

Basically, Mikey was supposed to show them some of his favourite drummers online and the boys click on a video staring a drummer who never reveals his face and goes by the name of Sly Fox, his fans called him Fox for short, and his friends called him Sly for short. Everyone loved him, but one day he just stopped posting with an apology video saying he didn't like the spot light anymore. No one has heard from him since.

Mikey goes to the studio with them because they are meeting with April to tell her who they've found so far. While there Mikey sees a drum set and gives it a little go, thinking no one was around. Of course they find out he's good and decide it would be a lot easier to hire him. However, it turns out Mikey has got an old injury in his left arm that prevents him from doing things like this as it causes pain.

Some time goes on and Raph and Mikey become an item. Mikey lets slip some information about Fox that no one else knows leading people to believe he knows, or at least knew who Fox is and he kind of gets bombarded by press and what have you to try and find out what he knows. Long story short, we find out Fox was Mikey and the real reason he stopped doing the thing he loves is because of his injury. Raph, Leo and Donnie do what they can to strengthen his arm, but Mikey has made piece that, that chapter of his life is over. He's happy with what he's accomplished, and what he's aiming to become. However, for one night only (once the boys have become famous), Sly Fox will make one last show, revealing to the world who he really is, why he left, and that this will be his final performance.

Then I couldn't make up my mind wether after the performance Mikey's smile would mean ether; A, he's happy he did it one last time and he can finally walk away knowing that people will finally understand and the mystery to Sly Fox's disappearance will be put to rest, or B, maybe this was his last performance as Sly Fox, but it didn't have to be his last performance as Mikey (meaning that he may join the band as a singer if they let him or something).

There you go. That's all I can remember. I don't know, maybe I'll let someone finish it for me. I've never given a story up for adoption before, but maybe I should consider it this time. All I know is, I won't be continuing this story and I'm sorry for any disappointment but I can't finish a story when I'm unclear how to progress even with the vague idea I have of the plot.

Sorry all, but this is the end for this one. Bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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