The Jones Cafe

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The next day Raph, and Leo photo copied the poster they had made and started to put them up all over New York. Well, the area they live in. Once they return Donnie gets them to look over what he had written and they liked it so he posted it. Now all they had to do was ask Casey if they could use his cafe, because luckily Casey's cafe was quite popular so bands would play there a lot, like the turtles, and since he had bands play quite often he had a mic, bass, guitar and drum kit ready for whoever was playing.

They got to the Jones Cafe and went inside and were greeted by their friend right away. "Leo, Don, Raph!! It's good ta see ya! Wha' ya doin' here? Are ya gunna preform?" He asked with a smile. Casey always looked forward to having them play, he said they were the best band in all New York, maybe even the world. Raph and Casey were friend before Leo and Donnie became Casey's friend, but it didn't take them long to get along. After all, Casey and Raph had very similar personalities.

"Not today. We were actually hoping if you could keep the stage clear for the next week because a manager called and she's interested, the only problem is that we've only got a week to find a drummer. So, we were hoping to listen to them preform here so we can find someone the manager might like and someone we feel will fit in our band." Leo explained to their friend.

"Of cause ya can have it. I am a little low on staff today so I'm gunna have ta ge' the new kid ta make sure no one take the stage, after all this week is free play week where anyone can ge' up on tha' stage ta preform. Other than tha', it's all yours. Now I have ta do some work but I'll be back out in abou' an hour ta see how the new kids doin'." Casey tells them with a confident smile the boys say thanks as he got to walk off. Raph quickly catches up to him and grabs his shoulder.

"Thanks Cas." Raph whispered.

"For wha'?" Casey asked, sensing it wasn't for letting them us his stage.

"For calling the manager." Raph tells him like it wasn't anything.

"Tha' wasn't me." Casey said with a smile and slight chuckle.

"Well if it wasn't you, then who was it?" Raph asked in confusion.

"Mikey." Casey states simply with a smile

"Who the shell is Mikey?" Raph questioned his friend.

The bell attached to the cafe door rang, signalling someone had entered the cafe. "Remember the new kid I said I hired?" Casey asks rhetorically, knowing full well Raph remembered. Raph nods his head. Casey smirks as he points behind Raph, so Raph turns around. What he saw was a grass green turtle with beautiful, baby blue eyes that made the sky itself jealous. He wore light blue jeans, black trainers, an orange t-shirt and an orange neckerchief to match. Raph was gobsmacked by the turtles beauty and blushed when the turtle smiled. Casey smirks even more as he leans into his ear and whispers. "That's Mikey."

"I told you I wouldn't be late on my first day." Mikey proclaimed.

"I must admi' I am surprised, everyone I've hired in the past were late on their first day." Casey smiled.

"It's like I told you before, I'm not everybody." Mikey smiled from ear to ear. "Plus, they all may have been late because they wanted to see what they could get away with." Mikey said, his smile never leaving his face.

"And you don'?" Casey asked with a half-smile.

Mikey's smile turns into a grin. "I will, trust me."

Casey chuckle as does Mikey. "Well Mikey, for your first day on the job. Not only will you be waiting tables, but will also make sure no one gets on that stage. The stage has been booked all week." Casey explains, surprised Mikey hasn't noticed Leo, Raph or Donnie yet.

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