It starts

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Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello have been best friends since high school who live together at the moment because it's a lot easier than trying to live on their own. Leonardo or Leo for short is 24 years old, he is a spring green turtle who is the leader of the band he is in with Raphael and Donatello. Leo is the singer of the band and took the roll of leader since he is the oldest of the three. Raphael or Raph for short is 21 years old, he is a deep green turtle who suggested that he and his friends become a band in the first place. Raph is the electric guitar player and is the muscle of the band, making him the protector of the three. Donatello, Donnie, Don or just D for short is 20 years old, he is a moss green turtle who is the smartest guy you could meet. Donnie is the bass player and handles things like money and what would be best for their band since it's only the three of them. Leo, Raph and Donnie have been trying really hard to give themselves a name and wind up on stage, but they couldn't do that without the help of a manager. However, finding a manager seemed like it would never happen, until...

The phone rang just as they were about to practice. Since Donnie was the closest, he answered it. "Hello, Donatello speaking. How may I help you?" Donnie asked as he put the phone to his ear.

"Hello Donatello. My name is April and I am a band manager. I got an anonymous call yesterday from someone who turned my attention to a video of your band on your website 'The Turtles', and I must say I am very impressed. I am interested in becoming your bands manager." April explained to the genius turtle.

"Really?!?!" Donnie question with excitement, a big smile appearing on his face. Leo and Raph look up at this, wondering what's gotten Donnie so excited.

"Yes really." She chuckled slightly. "I do have one condition." April told him.

"Ok. What might that be?" Donnie asked as calmly as he could.

"My condition is that you find yourselves a drummer. As good as you are, you do tend to slip out of time every now and them, so I feel that a drummer will help. Try to find someone new and unknown by most people like you three. I am very busy and have a lot of bands that would like me as their manager so I'm afraid I can only give you a week to find a drummer. If you can do that then I will love for you to come down to the studio so I can get a good listen of how you sound with a drummer. I know that it will be hard for you to find a drummer and practice a song within the week, but I'm afraid that is the best I can do. I will call you at the end of the week to see how things have turned out. Until then, I wish you and your band the best of luck. Goodbye for now Donatello." And she ended the call. Donnie put down the phone and saw Leo and Raph staring at him with curiosity.

"That was a manager who's interested in our band." Donnie states simply with a half-smile.

"Are ya kiddin'? That's grate Don!!" Raph proclaimed with a smile, happy that they were finally being given a chance.

"Yeah it is." Donnie said with a sigh.

"But?" Leo asked, sensing that there was a bit more to this. So, Donnie tells them everything April told him and they look just as surprised and scared as Donnie did when he put down the phone. "So, that leaves us no choice. We need to find ourselves a drummer and fast, especially if we want to make a performance that will blow April away and get us our manager." Leo states as if it's that easy.

"And how are we gunna do tha'?" Raph asked inquisitively.

"Well I think we should put up poster for a wanted drum player and see how many show up." Donnie suggested, not knowing a better place to start.

"Good idea Don. Raph and I will work on the posters, and maybe you can post a message on our website. That should get a few more people's attention." Leo states with a smile and hope in his voice.

"Why do I have ta help with the posters?" Raph moans as he asks the question.

"Well considering you and I are hopeless with computers and putting the band together was your idea." Leo said in one of those slightly sarcastic but also wavering tone.

"Fine." Raph groans as he gets to his feet. "Just don' blame me if they don' look good." Raph warns and Leo just rolls his eyes as he and Raph walk out the room to work on hopefully half descent posters and let Donnie work in peace.

I wonder who that anonymous caller was that phoned April in the first place. Donnie wondered as he turned on his computer. Well...whoever it was, we owe them one.

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