New Friends

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On the posters and website it said that auditions were being held from 8am to 8pm and no one had shown up to the cafe to audition in the hopes of becoming a drummer for there band. The boys where quite disappointed about the whole thing, they where hoping for at lease one person to show up but unfortunately that didn't happen.

Mikey felt really bad for them and decided to go over and say something. "Hay guys." Mikey said with an unsure smile on his face.

"Hi Mikey." They all say. Mikey was just about to give the his sympathies when...

"Mikey I want to apologise for my behaviour earlier. I didn't have a right to judge ya so quickly. So, I was hoping if we could just start over again." Raph states, surprising both Leo and Donnie. They have honestly never heard him apologise on his own accord, usually Leo and Donnie have to make him apologise.

"I forgive you, but I don't want to start over again." Mikey states, getting him a shocked look in return making him smile. "I like having things I can hold against my friends."

"You consider us your friend?" Leo asked honestly a bit surprised considering they just met not so long ago.

"Sure." Mikey replied simply like it was obviously.

"Why?" Donnie inquired.

Mikey shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?" Mikey asked rhetorically, making the boys smile at him. "Sorry no one showed up today." Mikey says with sympathy.

"It's fine. I'm sure we'll get some people showing up as the week goes on." Leo states with a smile, not wanting to lose hope.

"I'm sure it will." Mikey states with I big positive smile. Then a thought came across Mikey's mine. "Hay, just out of curiosity, why haven't you tried contacting a drummer?" He asked the tree turtles.

Donnie looked at Mikey with a somewhat disappointed look. "We...don't know any." Donnie supplies as an answer.

"Really?" Mikey asked rhythmically. "For people who used the internet to become noticed, you sure don't know about it that much." Mikey chuckled slightly.

They all gave Mikey a slightly confused look. "Wha' do ya mean?" Raph asked the younger turtle.

"You can fine some of the best drummers on YouTube, and some put there contacts at the bottom such as there email or some even put an old mobile number that they only us for there fans on there. If by this time tomorrow no one shows up you should try it, and I'll even show you some of my own favourites if you like." Mikey explained with a kind smile on his face.

Leo, Raph and Donnie looked at each other and smiled. Clearly all having the same thought at one another. "Ok Mike, we'll do it if no one shows up." Raph smiles friendly at the shorter turtle.

"Mike?" Mikey asks with a single chuckle escaping his lips.

Raph blushed slightly as he realised he just gave someone who didn't like him this morning a nickname like they were best friends. "Uh...s-sorry if I've upset you o-or s-something." Raph stuttered. Wait...Raph stuttering? Raph never stuttered, and he never blushes. Could this be a whole new side to Raph they have never seen, because someone has stolen his hart. Some say it takes an angel to change the heart of a monster, obviously Leo and Donnie didn't see Raph as a monster, more like an untamed beast that now one could tame. However it turns out it didn't take a cool bike, a band or even a few friends to help Raph become the turtle he wants to be, because he doesn't like having such a bad temper. It would appear all he need, all they needed to find...was a Mikey to change Ralph's stone heart.

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