What Was I Thinking?

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*30 minutes later*

I come back home from the store with some of Alex's favorite foods and stuff like that, and also some flowers. Hopefully this will be able to ease his stress.

Roi: Alex! I'm home!


Roi: Alex? Babe?

That's strange where is he?

I go to our room, and he's not there either.

Roi: Alex!? Where could h-

That's when I saw the note. I read it:

Dear Roi,

I know you said we'd get through this together, but I can't risk hurting you again. I don't want to keep you up all night taking care of me like I'm some little baby, and I don't want you to keep stressing about me. So I'm leaving for a while. I don't know when I will be back, but I'll miss you so much. I love you.

- Alex

Roi: No. No, no, no!

Idropped the note and broke down.

Roi: ALEX!!!! God why!?

Why Alex? Why?

*Alex's POV*

After an hour, we finally land.

Flight Attendant: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to San Francisco. Please make sure you grab all your belongings in the seat back in front of you. Also, be sure to use caution when opening the overhead bins as contents may have shifter during the flight. Thank you and have a good day.

And with that, I get up and grab my things. After getting a taxi, I got to the hotel I'll be staying at.

Receptionist: Hello.

Alex: Hi. I have a reservation under the name of "Alex Burriss".

Receptionist: Alex Burriss... ah, here we are. Wow, staying here for a while. May I ask why?

Alex: I'd rather not talk about it.

R: Ok, my apologies. Here you go. Enjoy your stay.

Alex: Thanks.

I go up to my room, and set some things up. I check my phone and notice I've gotten a ton of messages and phone calls. Not just from Roi but my friends and family. I decided to not answer for now because I don't want anyone to know where I am, and I turn off my location services as well.

That night, I couldn't sleep and if I did I woke up screaming. Without Roi, it just gets worse. Maybe I should go back.

NO! This is what's best for Roi. He would be happy that you're doing this.

*Roi's POV*

Everyone that knows Alex has tried to contact him, but no one's got a hold of him yet. I'm so worried. He won't be able to function right without me. Also I miss him so much. I feel so lonely without him.

*knock on the door*

I open the door to see Ron.

Roi: Hey.

Ron: Hey.

Roi: Come in.

Ron: Thanks.

He sits on the couch and sighs hard.

Roi: You ok?

Ron: What do you think?

Roi: Yeah. It's been a hell of a week. One day we get him back, the next he's run off. Why would he do this?

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