The Mistake

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*Two days later*

*Alex's POV*


Roi: Ok! Coming!

30 minutes later, they arrive at terminal 4 and wait for Ron to come.

Alex: Ok... Raleigh...American #1605...Ah there it is.

As Alex looks, a notice pops up saying..

Alex: What! Delayed for another hour! Ugh!

Roi: Hey babe..calm down.

Alex: *breathes* I'm fine. Thanks.

They then go and sit down at a nearby bench and wait the next hour for Ron.

Roi: You excited to see him.

Alex: Kinda...

Roi: Why?

Alex: I don't know how he would feel about living with two gay guys.

Roi: I'm sure it will be fine. I mean look at all the times we spent together. *holds his hand* It'll be ok.

Alex: *smiles* You always know what to say. *kisses Roi*

*1 hour later*

Speaker: Flight #1605 from Raleigh now arriving.

Alex: Well here he is.

After 10 minutes, a big crowd of people begin to stream into the arrivals area.

Roi: Can you see him?

Alex: No. Where is he?

Aaron: ALEX! ROI!

Alex: There he is

*Aaron's POV*

Well, that was a long flight. Didn't think I was gonna make it through. Well, time to get out of here and get into the nice weather. It's kinda hot. 83 degrees. Not bad. where is my brother. Oh there he is.

Aaron: ALEX! ROI!

Alex: *from a distance* There he is.

*closer* Hey bro! What's up! How was your flight?

Aaron: Ok. Long though.

Roi: I would think so. Well, with ours we fell asleep the entire time.

Aaron: At least you got sleep, the guy right next to me wouldn't stop snoring.

Alex: Well I'm sorry bro. But hey come on grab your bags and let's get to our place.

On the ride to their place, Aaron begins to think about something.

Ron: *in his head* I've been having these feelings and it's starting to overwhelm me. What should I do? Should I tell them? No don't! You only started to have these things. You don't know for sure. Just hold on.

Alex: Bro? Aaron!?

Aaron: Huh?

Alex: We're here.

Aaron: Oh..ok..

They quickly set up the guest room for Ron and they all head out to eat.

*a few days later*

I think I should tell them. But I have to be sure. Maybe I should..NO! DON'T YOU DARE! UGH! JUST DO IT!

Aaron: Hey Roi!

Roi: YEAH!?

Aaron: Can you come here for a sec?

Roi: Sure. One sec. *enters the room* What's up?

Aaron: Listen can I talk to you about something? Something..personal?

Roi: Ok?..Sure?

Aaron: Ok...So...I-I think I might be gay.

Roi: Really? How do you know?

Aaron: There's this guy...whom I like more than any girl..but I don't know if what I'm feeling is love.

Roi: So what are you trying to say?

Aaron: I was wondering..if you.. could.. help me out with figuring it out.

Roi: You mean..oh..I mean I support you man but I don't know if I could do that to Alex.

Aaron: Hey don't worry it's not cheating. You're just helping a friend out.

Roi: Good point. Ok..I guess we're gonna do this...

Then he begins to kiss Roi. After about 10 seconds, they pull back.

Roi: Now do you know if it's love.

Aaron: Yeah. I think so.


Aaron and Roi quickly look and see Alex standing in the doorway, crying.

Roi: A-Alex! It-it's not what it looks like!

Alex: Oh really! 'Cause it looks like you we're making out with my brother! Were you just using me to get with him!? Am I not good enough for you!?



He quickly runs to their room, slams the door, and locks it. Roi cries has he tries to get Alex to unlock the door. He goes back to Aaron's room, where he sees him obviously ashamed by what had just happened.

Aaron: I know. I should get out and leave your sight and you never want to see me again. It was all a big mistake for me to do this.

Roi: don't say that. I'm not mad at you or anything. It's just that..I-I never thought Alex would just think I would just leave him like that. Doesn't he know how much he means to me?

As Roi cries hysterically, Aaron pulls him into a hug and Roi begins to calm down slowly.

Aaron: Shhhh.. Don't worry he'll calm down eventually.

Roi: Yeah. But he'll be so pissed at me after.

Aaron: Don't say that. He has to forgive you.

Will Alex forgive Roi? How will he feel towards Aaron? What does this mean for Wassabi? You'll just have to wait.


Hey guys! So I thought the story was boring without any drama so I decided to throw this in. So some of you may not like of how I used Aaron in this part of the story, but don't worry everything will go back to normal very soon. And at least I didn't make it like he wanted to have Roi to himself. Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoy the next ones. Keep reading to find out more drama. MKayBye!

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