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⋆☽...♚ ♡ ♛...☾⋆

"I can fix this," jungkook blurts out as soon as he and his manager sit in front of you and mia. you raise your eyebrows at his words and sigh. of course, he can, you think.

though, your interest is piqued. you lean forward just a bit to hear what the man has to say. could he really fix you all's fuck ups? "how?" you ask, eyeing him as he visibly gulps.

mia narrows her eyes, watching both jungkook and his manager carefully. there was no way they were thinking what she was.

"you want them to date," she smirks, ignoring the gasp that escaped you.

"you've got to be fucking kidding me," you scoff, arms folded across your chest. there was no way in the world that jungkook would agree to this. "jungkook c'mon, let's be for real" you say, hoping he'd be on your side.


he isn't.

"precisely," he says avoiding your gaze. "this could be good for both our careers. you being a model and I, being a singer. the two of us together will make a huge impact" he tries to smile. he truly does. but, you can see through the bullshit.

"I call bullshit" you stand. mia sighs at the action.

"sit back down," the woman groans pulling you back into your seat. "who's idea was this?" she asks looking between the two attractive men.

but neither respond, instead, an all too familiar one speaks up. one that you knew all too well.

"it was mine," taehyung grins as he walks in and takes a seat across from you. "sorry I'm a little late. I was looking for a place to park away from the paparazzi" he shyly bows his head to the people around him.

you scoff at your best friend's words and actions, leaning across to table to smack him upside his head. taehyung grimaces at the feeling, side-eyeing you."next time don't give dumb ideas" you mutter, taking your seat once again.

"why did you think that was a good idea, v?" mia asks the man. like everyone else (besides his friends), she was completely unaware of taehyung's real name. taehyung simply shrugs at the woman, taking a sip of his water.

"I mean they already had sex, they might as well fake it till they make it, right?" he jokes.

this is where I die, you throw your head up to the ceiling.

"you two had sex?!" both mark and mia shout, standing out of their seats to look at their clients. their eyes nearly fell from their heads at the news. you shrink in your seat, avoiding mia's gaze. you look to jungkook who seems to be hiding behind his hands.

"when I asked last night if you two were on a date, you said no. having sex on the beach seems a lot like a date, y/n!" the woman gets louder.

thank the lord, you're in your office.

"it wasn't a date! he was being an asshole in those pictures!" you defend yourself.

"it's true! I was yelling at her" jungkook flinches as mark acts like he's going to hit him once again. taehyung laughed at the interactions around him, he knew this would happen. but, to see it occur in real time was hilarious.

"you two are going to be the death of them. how about this...you two will 'date', you're going to go public and do all the cute shit that couples do. and then in a few months break up, make it cute though. no arguments and shit. the way I see it, you both can win. JK you can gain good publicity for songs, and y/n you may get more modeling gigs from dating him. it's a win-win situation" the designer shrugs, playing with the hem of his shirt. you roll your eyes at taehyung's nonchalance and sigh.

"what about kierra?"

the room comes to a halt, everyone's eyes fell on you.

"wouldn't it be weird for you to date her cousin? some people know we're related and you have had a very public relationship and break up. that can hurt my career" you simply state, folding your arms over your chest.

"cousin?" mark mouths to taehyung, confusion lacing his face as taehyung shakes his head. now was not the time to explain that mess.

jungkook frowns at your words, "and you think this wouldn't hurt me?! people are going to look at me as a woman-crazy fuckboy that goes for family members" he scoffs, taking in your words. you throw your head back at the man's words, tongue poking into your cheek.

"isn't that who you are? like seriously c'mon. nine times out of ten you knew that she and I are family. that's probably why you were such an asshole to me when we first met. and yet you still fucked me. you still had sex with me, knowing that kierra frost and i are cousins" you say, your tongue remaining unbitten as you let the words out. mia awkwardly shifts in her chair looking between you two. the two of you glaring at one another.

"oh kay...now that that's out..." mark whistles, not really knowing where to go from there.

"I didn't know" jungkook sighs, losing the glaring game between you. you frown at his words, part of you knew this and yet you still threw it in his face. taehyung frowns as he looks between the two of you. maybe he was wrong to suggest the two of you "dating" but the cat is out of the bag now, might as well run with it.

"how about this," the curly-haired man smiles. "you two go on a date. and talk. talk it all out without arguing. the two of you are grown now, there should be no reason you can't talk like it" taehyung says, looking between the two of you. "kierra doesn't matter right now, all that matters is the two of you and your careers" he finishes, eyeing you both.

maybe he was right, maybe you two were acting like children.

"okay fine but, in six months. this is over"

. . .


I'm back bitchesss (again).
also what do yall think is about
to happen???

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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