XXXVII ; First Fail

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- I'm not sure I like this idea...

- Don't worry, it shouldn't be very painful.

Hyunjin stretches his arms and cracks his neck before looking back at Minho, a small smirk on his face.

- You ready?

- I don-

Minho doesn't even have time to open his mouth when he suddenly gets pushed by the taller one, ending his fall on the couch in the living room of the hotel room.

He then complains slightly, a furrowed brow as he sits up on the couch, brushing his pale hair in place with a furtive wave of his hand.

Hyunjin, meanwhile, pulls off a disappointed expression as he puts his hands on his hips, shaking his head a little.

He sighs.

- I thought that adding the effect of surprise to the physical shock would help... Apparently that's not the solution.

He starts thinking again, putting a hand on his chin.

Minho watches him silently as he gets up and walks over to the taller one again.

He is waiting for a new idea coming from him.

- Maybe the fear effect could trigger your power...?

Minho seems to hesitate. He doesn't like that idea either, but he nods and walks away to their bedroom door.

- A horror movie should be enough to give me nightmares for weeks.

The swarthy follows the smaller, frowning. He knows full well that he's not afraid of horror movies and therefore he doesn't understand why Minho would suggest such a thing if he knows himself that it won't work.

- But horror movies don't scare you...

- Your face in the dark would though.

The taller remains silent as Minho opens the door and walks out first, waiting for him on the other side in the large silent hallways.

- Don't leave me hanging like that. My joke was funny.

- One day I'm really going to gut you.

- You love me too much for that.

Minho flashes him an awfully cute and "innocent" smile, hands behind his back as he now leads the way to the elevator.

Hyunjin sighs and lets Minho into the metal box first, letting the doors close automatically as he clicks the button that will take them downstairs.

- ...You know that... I know a way to sabotage the elevators...

The older boy's eyes widen in a split second and he immediately looks nervously at the taller boy.

- Wh-... What??

- You should close your pretty mouth and keep your tongue in the hollow of it if you don't want us to end up crushed like the pancakes I made you eat the first time we slept at the hotel.

Minho giggles nervously as he clings to Hyunjin's arm in an "extremely subtle" way.

- Haha.. Y-You wouldn't dare... A-And anyways, since when do you know how to do such a thing...?

The swarthy raises an eyebrow as he looks down at the smaller one clinging to his arm, holding himself back so as not to laugh.

- Don't you remember all the bad things I did in school?

Cold sweats break out on the smaller's face and back as he doesn't let go, staring ahead at the slowly flowing numbers.

- You have a point... But, please... Don't do anything that puts our lives in danger, or I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.

- Mmm.

The two boys arrive safe and sound on the ground floor. They go through the main hall to get out of the building and find a new car.

They both take a seat inside, Minho being on the passenger side and Hyunjin on the driver's side, the steering wheel in his hands.

They remain silent for a moment before Hyunjin looks at Minho confusedly.

- So you really want to go see a horror movie?

He gently nods, to which Hyunjin responds with a slight smile, starting the new contraption to then make his way through the graveyard of cars. He puts his free hand on the little one's thigh and caresses it tenderly, keeping his eyes on the road.

- You're lucky, New York really has all the distractions and attractions possible. We'll find a cinema in two shakes of a lamb's tail.


Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now