chapter ten: survival of the fittest

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'You've earned their respect... You've earned Sairah's respect.'

Sairah greets Indra as the older woman emerges from the medical room, her presence demanding respect. "Indra."

"Trikova," Indra acknowledges with a bow before disappearing around the corner, leaving Sairah standing in front of the closed doors.

Opening one of the doors, Sairah steps into the room to find Octavia, battered and bruised but wearing a triumphant smile. Octavia's resilience has left its mark on the battlefield etched across her body. Sairah enters quietly, her footsteps echoing in the small space.

Octavia looks up from her spot, meeting Sairah's gaze. Sairah takes a moment to assess Octavia's condition before speaking. "How are you feeling?" she inquires, her tone carrying a mix of concern and genuine interest.

"Like I've been hit by a giant rock," Octavia replies with a weary sigh.

Sairah offers a genuine smile. "You did good today. You impressed my people, Octavia of the Sky People... even Indra."

Octavia's eyes brighten with a hint of pride. "She made me her second."

Sairah's gaze lifts, processing the significance of Octavia's revelation. "Congrats, Octavia. This is where your journey starts." Taking a seat beside Octavia, she gives her a meaningful look. "First, a second. Later, a commander of thirteen clans."

Octavia snorts in disbelief. "Yeah, sure."

"Lexa was a second," Sairah shares, her voice holding a touch of nostalgia. "It took her only a year to become the new commander. She was good, and my people knew that." Turning her attention to Octavia, she imparts words of encouragement. "Have faith in yourself, Octavia of the Sky People. Indra didn't choose you for nothing."

Octavia lowers her gaze, her mind buzzing with newfound questions and possibilities. The path ahead seems uncertain, yet the seed of confidence planted by Sairah takes root in Octavia's thoughts.


Sairah relishes the succulent flavor of the cooked meat as she takes a hearty bite, savoring the robust taste that fills her senses. Around her, warriors gather eagerly, drawn to the enticing aroma of the freshly cooked animal, patiently waiting their turn to partake in the feast.

Across the fire, the Sky People observe with longing gazes as the grounders indulge in the savory meal, their hunger noticeable in the flicker of the firelight.

Setting down her plate, Sairah rises to her feet, a generous gesture in mind. She fills another plate with succulent cuts of meat, the aroma wafting through the air as she strides purposefully toward Marcus and his guards. "Eat, get strong. Only then will we win this war... Our cook is among the finest," she assures them with a confident smile.

Marcus approaches, his expression reflecting gratitude as he accepts the plate from Sairah's outstretched hand. "Thank you," he murmurs appreciatively, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth.

With a nod from Sairah, her comrades distribute portions of the savory feast to the Sky People. Each recipient accepts the offering with a mixture of hunger and gratitude, their taste buds coming alive as they savor the delectable flavors that dance upon their tongues, momentarily forgetting the hardships of their reality in the simple pleasure of a shared meal.

Kane strides over to Octavia, who's seated in solitude. "You did that," he acknowledges.

"You're welcome. Don't blow it," Octavia replies, her demeanor serious.

A low chuckle escapes Kane, appreciating her straightforwardness.

Approaching them, Sairah hands Octavia a piece of meat, sparking a smile from the young warrior. "The boar put up a better fight than you, I heard," Sairah teases before moving away.

Kane remarks, "I see you're making friends."

Octavia glances towards Indra, observing the stoic leader. Turning back to Kane, she questions, "What do you want from me?"

Kane looks thoughtful. "What do you think will happen once we rescue your friends? Right now, we share a common goal, but eventually, this war will end—with them."

"Just get to the point," Octavia retorts with an eye roll.

"We know so little about them. You've earned their respect... You've earned Sairah's respect," Kane remarks, nodding towards the formidable warrior. "I need you to be my eyes and ears."

"You're asking me to be a spy?" Octavia's eyebrows knit together.

"I'm asking you... to look out for your people," Kane clarifies.

"I am." Octavia retorts and strides away, her plate in hand. She settles beside Indra, both of them nodding in acknowledgment. 


another update for my lovies!!!

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