Chapter 20: Returning

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Chapter 20: Returning

Today was the day. Uneasiness spread throughout by body as the minutes passed and it got closer to the time that I had to leave Hogwarts. I dressed in a hurry while Daphne, Tracey, Milicent, and Pansy were still asleep and made my way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, with Felix perched on my shoulder.

The Great Hall, still decorated in Gryffindor colours, was nearly empty. Very few students and only a couple Professor's were up this early. I sat down at the empty Slytherin table and dished up my breakfast. I tried to eat, but I was so anxious about returning home that the food didn't settle well with me and I ended pushing my scrambled eggs around with my fork.

The Great Hall began to fill up with students. The room was abuzz with chattering kids excited to go home, the atmosphere was light and pleasant and I seemed to be the only one who didn't want school to end. None of them had to go back to a drunk father, they didn't have to hide from their parents in order to avoid abuse. They had families that loved them to return home to.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Fred and George, ignoring the irritated glares from the Slytherin's, sat down on either side of me.

"Mind if we join you?" George asked.

"Doesn't matter if she minds or not, we'll still do it!" Fred said grinning.

They then proceeded to load up their plates and wolf down their breakfast.

"What's the matter Mira? Felix scratch your tongue?" George asked, eyeing Felix, who was still perched on my shoulder, with mock suspicion.

"No, just thinking." I replied.

"About our three month break from this place we like to call prison?" Fred said, gesturing around the room.

"Something like that." I mumbled.

"Not a morning person, eh?" George asked, nudging me with his elbow.

I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to push my food around.

After breakfast, notes were handed out to everyone, warning us not to use magic over the holidays. Soon after, all of the first years were herded down to the lake by Hagrid, where we boarded the boats that sailed across the lake. Felix did not like the boat ride, he clung to me the whole way. After reaching the far shore of the large lake, we clambered out of the boats and collected our trunks which were waiting for us on the platform and then we boarded the Hogwarts Express.

I couldn't find Fred and George so I sat in an empty compartment. The compartment brought back memories from the beginning of the year, when Draco helped me get my trunk up onto the luggage rack. I laughed at how much things had changed; now Draco hated me with a fiery passion. When the train started to move, my compartment was still empty, so I left my trunk on the floor, not bothering with the luggage rack and changed out of my school robes. I sat down and watched the countryside whoosh past me with Felix curled up on my lap.

All too soon for my liking, the country turned to city and within no time, the train slid to a stop in front of platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross Station. I dragged my heavy trunk off of the train. I couldn't bare to watch all of the happy reunions, so I quickly exited the platform and started my journey home.

I walked slowly through London, not wanting to get to my destination, but eventually my house was in front of me. I reached my door and stopped, gathering the courage to open the door. Slowly I turned the knob and entered the place where I knew for sure that I didn't belong.


A/N: I know, it's extremely short and kind of depressing, but Mira really doesn't want to go home, because Hogwarts is her home now. Anywho, I am going to try and upload book 2 soon, if i have time, I'll upload today! Please tell me what you think!
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PS: I wanted to thank all of you who have stuck with this story, I know there have been long periods where I didn't update, and I wanted to thank you for not giving up on my story. I really appreciate it! Love you guys! :)  

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