Chapter 17: The Truth and the Stone

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank all of you for reading and supporting my story. It means a lot to me. Thanks guys! :D Oh, and once again, it has been way too long since I updated. I am SO sorry! I feel so guilty because I get irritated when the books I like to read aren't updated in a long time..  So, sorry my lovely readers, please forgive me. :)

Chapter 17: The Truth and the Stone

Every since my detention in the forbidden forest, my dreams have been plagued with the image of the cloaked figure. I did not know what it was, but I somehow knew that it didn't belong in the forest. No, it was not a native creature that usually dwelled there. I felt lucky to be alive after the encounter, for an unknown force within me told me that I had narrowly escaped death. In the back of my mind, I knew that I had encountered something that was pure evil and full of malicious intent. My thoughts constantly swirled around the uncertainty of what the cloaked figure was. 

As finals aproached and with the end of the school year on the horizon, I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind so that I could focus on studying.  All to quickly the assessments arrived. First years were ushered into a large classroom, where we would commence our written papers. We were given special quills that were bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell.

Afterwards, we were called upon to demonstrate what we have learned through various practical exams. For Charms, Professor Flitwick asked us to make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall had us transfigure a mouse into a snuffbox , and Professor Snape had us brew a Forgetfulness potion. 

By some miracle, I made through finals without having a mental breakdown from stress and lack of sleep due to late nights of studying. I could finally relax. Unfortunately, the feeling of relief was short lived. The end of the year was near, and I would have to return home, back to my drunk, abusive father. At Hogwarts, I was allowed to push him from my mind and forget about the horrors I used to face on a daily basis. But now, with the end of the year staring me in the face, I had to face what was soon to come. 

My father would be angry, no, livid, that I had gone off to a school he forbid me to go to, and he would surely punish me for my disobedience. There was no escaping it, unless I could stay here over summer. I doubted that was a possibility but nonetheless, I had to ask. I would have to ask Professor Dumbledore, but the only time he was seen was at meals, and I couldn't just waltz on up to him during dinner and ask. 

 I was sitting in the library, contemplating how I was going to find the Headmaster, when Professor Snape entered the library. His cold eyes immediately found me and he stalked up to the table I was sitting at. 

"Professor Dumbledore has requested to see you in his office." He drawled. 

What a coincidence! Snape turned and walked off. I jumped up and followed him. He led me to a stone statue of a gargoyle and he muttered something in a low tone that I could not hear. Suddenly the statue lept aside to reveal a moving circular staircase. Snape motioned for me to proceed up the staircase, so I did. When I reached the top, I came face-to-face with large oak double doors. 

I knocked lightly on the wood and proceeded through them when I heard the Headmaster's muffled voice say, "Enter." 

I stepped inside of the large circular office. Windows and a numerous amount of portraits adorned the walls. Each portrait contained what I presumed to be previous Headmasters and Headmistresses, all of which were sleeping peacefully within the confines of their frames. Intricate silvery devices rested upon several spindly tables scattered throughout the room. There were several tall bookcases filled with books, and a shelf that housed the Sorting Hat. 

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