11. Explorations

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We lay on the duvet in an entwined embrace, Lorne's unabated erection pressed firmly into my belly as we gently caressed each other. After a long silence, I said, "Sorry. Seems my eagerness took over, and I went too fast. Too far."

"No, it's me, Kate. Too slow."

"Not too slow, Lorne. Your body and mind set the pace you needed. Follow them, and I'll adjust to it."

"Ummm. But your craving? How would you curb that?"

"Don't need to curb it – simply allow it to build. Intensify my eventual orgasm."

His strong throbbing against my belly sent a flood of warmth to my puss and a message to my brain. Mental stimulation works for him.

"Sorry, Kate! I must learn how to stop that."


"Because – hmmm. Don't know. Distracting."

"There's no reason to stop it, Lorne. It's a natural response to your thoughts, and I enjoy it. Sends tingles to my..." I paused as he throbbed again. "See? It's natural."

"Ummm!" He pressed into my belly. "So, that's why it kept stirring."

"How do you mean?"

"Whenever my mind went to your – your down there –" He throbbed again. "See? My distraction."

"Not a distraction, Lorne. Not at all. Think of it as your subconscious interest."

"Yeah." He pursed his lips and nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense."

"Has this happened before? With other women?"

Lorne shook his head. "Not that I've noticed."

I chuckled. "With its size, it would be impossible not to notice. What about with me? Our meeting at tastings, at restaurant events?"

He shrugged. "No, my mind never went there?"

"Went where?"

"To your – your down there." He throbbed again.

I wiggled my belly onto it. "So, this is new."

"Ummm." He bobbed his head in silence for a while, then continued, "Yeah, since this afternoon – began after I analysed what you had said."

"Hunh? What did I say?"

"That being asexual doesn't matter."

"It doesn't, Lorne. Not in the least." I wiggled my body up to find his lips for a kiss, my puss sliding up his length in the process, and I delighted in his throbs as he realised. While our mouths explored, thoughts flashed through my mind. His distraction is curiosity. A fascination with my – with my woman bits – he doesn't even have a name for them.

We ended the deep kiss, and between nibbles on his lips, I asked, "Want to restart playing doctor? Take it slow this time. You lead. Your pace."

"Ummm. I'd like that." He nibbled back. "How do we start?"

"Like we did the first time. You examining my pee bum."

Lorned throbbed, then chuckled. "Oh, God! I had forgotten your cute name for it."

"It was Mum's name – I had a pee bum and a poo bum."

"You still call them that?"

I giggled. "Do you still call yours a wee-wee?"

He grinned and shook his head. "So, what do you call it now?"

I unwrapped from the hug and rolled onto my back. "Let's call it a pee bum for now – help get us into our innocent kids mode."

As he sat, I bent my knees and lowered them to the duvet, placing the soles of my feet together. Then after tucking the string inside and arranging my lips, I said, "With maturity, there's much more to see, and this'll give you a better view."

"Wow! So flexible."

"One of my yoga poses."

He sat and stared for a long while, slowly bobbing his head. Finally, he asked, "May I touch it?"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

His first touch was a gentle graze back and forth across the hair on my mound, the sensations sending shivers of anticipation, and I fought the impulse to tilt my hips and press my clit onto his fingers.

He continued the light grazing of hair down one lip and up the other, then after more passes across my mound, he ran a finger along the edges of my butterflied inner lips a few times, alternating sides and sending trembles through my entire being. I felt my vaj winking and the tingle of wet trailing down and into my butt crack as I willed myself to remain still.

Then after a dip in the wetness, he slowly drew a finger up my centre and nudged it under my throbbing clit, lifting it and leaning closer to examine as he moved it about.

Immersed in the expression of awe and adoration on Lorne's face, I orgasmed, my yoga pose lost, my hips bucking and begging for more clit pressure while my tremulous howls reverberated through the cabin.

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