...First Serve

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The Admin pulls out a pistol and fires at the drones but isn't able to kill the drone that was about to press the red button with the label "Red Alert" on it. Which, he does, but is killed immediately from a 9mm round to the head. The Admin quickly rushes past the corpses of the WDI drones and presses the button hoping to shut it off. He presses the button but nothing happens. The red alarms continue to blare. He presses it again. And again. And again. Still, nothing. 

Then more of the pods began to open up. The door leading outside the cryogenic facility closes. Trapping the Admin. Soon gunfire could be heard in the room from outside as the Admin fights for his life. The drones pick up any weapon they could find and start hunting the Admin, who has gone deeper into the facility to avoid contact. Instead, he finds more pods. 


He reaches a door that had the sign "Exit" on top. He presses a button next to the door, and it slowly opens. But the old heavy door creeks to a halt. But the opening is just big enough for him to slip through. Just as he is about to leave, a loud sound could be heard from behind. The crack of the air could be heard. And the sound of a 20mm Anti Tank Rifle round smashing into a human skull and said skull exploding could be heard as well. The result is a bloody mess and the thud produced by a body hitting the floor.




The Worker bug makes it to the surface just as the Admins were about to leave. The Arachnid quickly runs up to one of the APCs and slams into it. The Admins inside quickly get out to see what hit them, only to see the bug with a WDI drone in its large mandibles and a small note on its side. The Admins signal to the rest of the convoy and quickly head over. The bug drops the drone on the ground and turns to show the note. Some Admins carry the drone to an APC as I.Czeslaw grabs the note and reads it. 

Admin I.Czeslaw: "Damn, this is not good."

Admin Zaiden: "What's wrong?"

I.Czeslaw pats the Worker bug, the bug simply lays itself on the floor upright as I.Czeslaw pats the top of its head.

Admin I.Czeslaw: "The report states that there is a room in this facility with several cryo pods. Alright, mount up! We head down there now."




We now cut to some Worker Drones (Not WDI) exploring some abandoned copper mines for any useful equipment left behind. So far, they've only found wrecked escavators along with the corpses of the drones who worked here... Strange, the workers survived the core's destruction, so how did these guys die? Maybe the Murder Drones got to them. It didn't matter, the drones continued exploring the mines until they hit an intersection.

WDGL (Worker Drone Group Leader): "Mouse and Star, head in that direction and if you don't find anything, come back here. Sam, your with me."

The drones now identified as Mouse and Star head in the left tunnel while Sam and the group leader go to the right. Mouse and Star find a large cavern with a spiral starcase made with rock. They point their flashlights down the huge cavern but they don't see a bottom to it. They slowly traverse the spiral down to the bottom and are met by a decent size tunnel with a rail running through it. The two go ahead and walk into it but a noise stops them. 

Mouse: "What was that?"

Star: "I don't know, um, here, help me get the guns out."

Star turns around showing a backpack on his back. Mouse unzipped it and grabbed a pistol and a rifle.

Mouse hands the pistol to Star and the two slowly advance into the tunnel

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Mouse hands the pistol to Star and the two slowly advance into the tunnel. The two check their weapons and continue through the tunnel. But soon stop as the lights flicker, showing a large figure in front of them.

Mouse: "What

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Mouse: "What. Is. THAT!"

Star: "Shoot it!"

The two quickly shoot the creature while backing up as fast as possible. The bug roars before charging the two drones. But the bullets start hitting the bug. Its progress slows to a halt as parts of its body are torn apart. A bullet hits its leg and the bug falls just a few feet away from them. It screeches in pain as it traveses in circles on the ground as the drones finally put it down.

Mouse: "Jeez, um, okay, we gotta go!"

Star: "But-"

Just before she could speak, the bug weakly lifts its top mandible and brings it down on Star. The mandible cuts through her chest and she falls to the ground. Mouse quickly unloads an entire magazine into the bug before turning back to Star, who was quickly loosing oil. 

Mouse: "Damnit! Star, hold on!"

Star: "I'll be fine, just go back and get the others!"

Mouse: "But I can't just leave you here, what if there is more of those things!"

Star: "We'll just hope there isn't!"

Unfortunately for them, more of those bugs show up. Star quickly shooes Mouse away and begins firing at the mass of bugs heading towards her. Mouse stays though and drags her out. They start heading up the sprial still being tailed by the bugs. But now more emerge from the tunnel and begin scaling the walls while the rest went up the spiral. They were able to make it out, and to make sure the bugs can't follow them, Mouse tosses a grenade at the entrance. It explodes and seals the opening.

Mouse: "We need to get out of here."

He declared.

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