The first hero basic training Class

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Person talking: "hello"
Person thought: (how?)
Author comment [not part of story]

After having lunch the next day everyone is now sitting down in the hero basic training classroom. All might then suddenly bursts through the door doing a strange pose.

All might: "I am coming through the door like a normal person".
Matt:(That is a cringe way of entering a room).
Everyone get excited since All Might is here.
Kirishima: "Wow, he really is a teacher!"
All Might: " I teach hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero."
All Might: "Today we are doing combat training and to go with that are these!"

Then from one of the walls vertical shelves holding suitcases comes out.

All might: "These are customers made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent before school started. After you change go to Ground Beta!"

Everyone then change into their customers and goes to Ground Beta. Everyone then starts walking out into the area the last three are Matt, Rajingu, and Fuku.
Fuku is in a light outfit but has brass knuckles on both hands with one saying brain and the other saying brawn.
Rai is in a armored Gi outfit with some armored gloves, elbow/knee pads, and boots.
Finally Matt comes out with a fantasy style outfit and is holding a wand.

Tenya: "Sir this is the air from the entrance exam, will we be conducting urban battles again?"
All might : "No we're gonna move ahead two steps! Most of the fights against villains happens outside, but if you look at the total number, atrocious villains appear much more indoors. In this world of hero's truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!"
All might: "This class will be split into hero's and villains and fight 2v2 indoor battles. The scenario goes like this, the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout, the heroes are tying to dispose of it. The hero's win if they catch both villains or make contact with the device within the time limit, the villains need to protect it for the whole time or catch the heros."
All might: "The teams and matchups will be determined by drawing lots".
Tenya: "They are being decided so haphazardly?".
Midoriya: "Pros often have to work in makeshift teams form other agencies, so maybe thats's why"?

Then All Might pull the lots and it is just like the anime but now Rai and Fuku are on a team.

All might: "Looks like we have 1 vacant spot, now I gotta think of who I can partner with Matt".
Matt: "I can fix that but I will probably be restricting myself". Matt then glows light blue.
Matt: "create golem".
From the ground itself a golem gets made that is the size of a middle schooler.
Allmight: "Are you sure this will be enough for you, I don't mean to be rude but what can he do"?
Matt: "My golem is durable and can hit hard while following simple commands. Besides since my quirk is very versatile I will only be using my skills that are linked to summoning".

All the rounds go like normal until it gets to the trio's turn with Fuku and Rai being villains while Matt and his golem are the heros.
Fuku and Rai are on the fourth floor where the device is.
Fuku: "Man we gotta deal with the Matt, I say we both stay here and while I take on his a golem, you can capture him."
Rai: "Whatever works out I am fine with."

The match starts and Matt quickly finds his way to where Fuku and Rai are at.
Fuku: "Hey golem let's dance"
Fuku then uses his quirk to quickly dash to where the golem is and destroys it in one punch.
Fuku: "There is something wrong here".
As he says that the golem quickly regenerates fully.
Matt: "My golem is ment to tank just about any physical attack by regenerating."
Rai: "I will take you out then since you are the one who summoned it."
Rai then lunges towards Matt which he sidesteps causing the lunge to barely miss him, then Rai noticed he got cut a tiny bit and around the cut it is bit of moisture on his face.

Rai: "I will handle this quickly since I don't like conflict".
Rai then gets into a boxing stance and goes for a left jab, but Matt sidesteps it again somehow, but this time flames appeared out of nowhere and burned his left arm.
Rai: "Fuku let's switch".
Fuku then suddenly dashed towards Matt with a lunge but is slowed down by a wall made of concrete which he easily smashed through.
Fuku: "Your glow is the same so how can use earth and fire magic?"
Matt: "There are a type of summon called elementals, I have a summon for each of the 4 main elemental earth, fire, water, and air, I am not materializing my elementals because they have more control over the magic and they can act on their own, so I have them partly summoned so I can use part of their magic."
The golem then swings towards Rai and breaks one of his arms.
Rai: "You messed up now."
Rai then starts beating up the golem, meanwhile with Matt's fight
Fuku keeps trying to get close but gets pushed back by his combination of wind, earth, and water magic, Matt then uses a magic attack using fire, wind and water to make a smoke screen. When the smoke screen cleared Matt has disappeared.
In the audience.
Mina: "How come his abilities are so powerful, his golem can stop anyone using brute force and he can still use various elements at the same time."
Mono: "don't forget this is just apart of his power".
Mina: "What do you mean by that his quirk is just summoning right?"
Deku: "His quirk let's him have various abilities based on what aura he has it seems like, he has one for healing and another for offense, he probably has more".
Kaminari: "anyhow where did he run off too the smoke screen disappeared very quickly and he just vanished".
Kirashima: "A real man shouldn't run away from battle"
All might then announces: "Hero team wins!!!!!"
Everyone gets startled and then sees Matt has somehow touched the device when he was nowhere near it.
A replay happens and it shows that a few seconds after the smoke screen disappeared a hole appeared next to the device and Matt came out from it.
Tsuyu: "It makes since that if he can use the floor to make a wall he can probably also make a tunnel, kero."

Back at the fight

Rai: "Good job you had us good there neither of us could get rid of your golem and those elements caught us off guard".
Fuku: "I guess that is another power to add to the list, when will you tell us what your quirk is, all we know that it is powerful and you can switch between certain abilities?"
Matt: "You guys know that I like to keep my cards close to my chest, you can never be too careful."

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