Class representative election

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The next day the press are gathered outside of U.A and are desperately asking students questions as they enter U.A about all might

Reporter: "can you tell us how All Might is like as teacher".
Rai: "You are noisy and are disturbing the peace so I won't be answering any questions".

A reporter tries to follow Rai in but is stopped by UA's security wall system.

During home room Aizawa criticized everyone about their hero lessons they had yesterday.

Aizawa: "To you will decide on a class president."
Everyone starts to try and nominate themselves except Matt and Rai, mineta says a pervy comment so Rai gives him a death stare.
Iida: "Quiet everyone, this is a serious role that no just anyone can do, the role requires trust from those around you. If we want to use democracy to choose who should lead us then we should hold an election to choose one."
Aizawa: " I don't care how it's done just decide before homeroom ends".
The elections happens and the top three are Matt in first, Midoriya in second, and Momo in third.
Matt: "Even though I got first place, I don't want the role, you only picked me because of my strength. I will give the role of class president to Midoriya because he has the heart of a true hero, and Momo is the perfect Vice President due to her intelligence."
Aizawa: "all right then class rep will be Midoriya and vice rep will be Yayorozu."

During lunch time everyone are having their meals until suddenly the alarm goes off saying that there is a level 3 security breach, everyone then starts to panic. They all try and rush to get outdoors, shoving and pushing into each other.
Iida looks outside and see that the press has somehow gotten past the UA Barrier system.
Iida reaches for uraraka and asks her to make him float. He then uses his quirk to boost to where the nearest hallway door.

Iida: "EVERYONE LISTEN, EVERYTHING IS FINE! It is just the media there is nothing to panic about, this is UA let's act in a way befitting the best of the best."

Everyone then calms down and head to their classes.
Momo: "Come on, class rep start".
Nervous Midoriya: "N-Now, let us decide on the other class officers... but before that can I say something? I think Iida is the best candidate for class rep after all!"
Midoriya: "He was able to get everyone's attention when the media broke in and calmed down all the classes, so I think it is best for him to have this role."
Everyone then agrees with Iida becoming the class rep.
Matt then noticed the hero's investigating the gate which seems to have been broken in a strange way as if it just crumbled.

At the end of the day Matt entered the principle's office.

Nezu: "Hello Matt may I ask why you are here today?"
Matt: "We both know that something is gonna happen since someone destroyed the UA Barrier."
Nezu: "So you noticed it too, one of our theories is that it may be a declaration of war but from who?"
Matt: "I don't think it is a declaration of war, I believe that whoever destroyed the barrier snuck into UA for some reason then left."
Nezu: "If you are correct why would they take the risk and why would they sneak into UA only to quickly leave then?"
Matt: "Whoever done this knew that all the heros would be focused on the mass media that had somehow broken, and that person can use that chance to sneak in."
Nezu: "It does make sense because of the media it can make the perfect distraction, I will talk to the other heros here about being a bit more cautious for the next few days."

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