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( chapter two )

MAZIE AWOKE TO THE PIERCING sound of her alarm clock going off on her nightstand next to her bed

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MAZIE AWOKE TO THE PIERCING sound of her alarm clock going off on her nightstand next to her bed. She groaned as she flopped out of bed and stumbled over to her closet.

Once she picked out a decent outfit, she went into her bathroom and washed her face. After washing her face, she brushed her teeth and put on a bit of mascara and blush, then walked out of the bathroom and back into her room, where she put on a pair of shoes.

She then shoved three books into her backpack and headed downstairs, saying goodbye to her dad as she met her siblings at her doorstep.


I met Finney and Gwenny at our doorstep, and we started walking to school.

"Took ya long enough." Finney said sarcastically.

"Oh shush, I didn't even take that long, right Gwenny?" I respond as Finney and I look over to our younger sister.

"Sorry, but I'm with Finney on this one." She states.

My jaw drops. "Gwenny, how could you? I thought we had something." I pout, crossing my arms.

Gwenny and Finney both laugh at me as we walk into the school.

As we entered our school, I immediately felt eyes on us. I scan my surroundings and am met with the eyes of Vance Hopper. I quickly look away from him and start small talk with Finney.

"Okay, I'm gonna head to my locker. Meet me by our next class?" I question.

"You know it. Cya Gwenny." Finney smiles as we both wave to Gwenny, who was walking away.

I then walk over to my locker and see my best friend Rory standing by his locker, which was right next to mine.

"Well, if it isn't Rory Dean." I state.

"And if it isn't Mazie Blake." He says in return while shutting his locker and leaning on it.

I shove my book bag into my locker and grab the books I needed for my classes.

"You will never believe who I bumped into yesterday." I laugh, and he raises a brow, telling me to continue talking.

"Vance mother fucking Hopper."

"Holy shit! As in pinball Vance!? The one who beats anyone's ass that gets in his way!? Did he hit you? Did you run away-" He starts question loudly but I quickly shush him.

"Shh! Yes, pinball Vance. No, he didn't hit me. I didn't run away and he just let me off with a warning."

Rory's jaw drops and I chuckled at his expression.

I push his jaw up with my hand to close his mouth and he rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, what class do you have next? I forgot." I ask.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 , vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now