Chapter Nine

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Upon arriving in Old Town, Maren was blessed by the Mother with a child. One night in the later stages of her pregnancy, the Lady of the House found herself walking through the gardens of Old Town missing the gardens of her childhood. Though her childhood had ended long before she was wed to Otto.


Her Husband.

Maren still felt unease at the thought of being married, but Lady Tyrell was able to hide it well. At least that's what she thought.

Ser Otto Hightower knew his wife felt unease in his presence. He felt how she would tense for a moment before relaxing whenever he would touch her. Anger filled Otto at this. If his plan was to work he would need the Tyrells on his side, just marrying one wasn't enough. He needed his wife in order to convince them to join the war, after all they wouldn't do it unless Maren asked. Otto was certain of this since Lord Tyrell had told him.

"I will not fight a war on behalf of your greed, Otto."

Gods the words still rung in Otto's ears, filling his mind. So Otto gave Maren a child in hopes she would grow to love him, and when that didn't fix things he gave her another one, and then another one, and another one. Four Children, three daughters and a son. And his wife still only tolerated him, though she loved the children.

So Otto came up with a new plan, he gifted his wife fine jewels and dresses all in the shade of green. And for that he received a thank you. So Otto presented Maren with a beautiful bouquet every morning, in return he got a smile. Next Otto added new books and novels he thought his wife might enjoy to the library, and for his efforts he received a hug. Then Otto paid to have the gardens of Hightower replanted and changed in an attempt to look more like that of Highgarden. Finally He received a kiss and invitations to walk through the gardens.

Otto now had an adoring wife and four beautiful children, all with locks of flaming hair.


Over the decade since he had been removed from his post as Hand of the King, Otto had received many letters from his eldest daughter, the Queen, yet he rarely responded. That is until he got a letter inviting him back to King's Landing in order to take back his position as Hand of the King.

His first order of business was attending the funeral of Lady Laena at House Velaryon's seat in Driftmark. Alicent had been happy to extend the invitation to her Step mother and half-siblings.

That is how Maren found herself standing behind the King and Queen on a cliffside overlooking the sea as Vaemond Velaryon spoke in a language she could not understand.

The crowd watched as the stone coffin was pushed into the ocean, falling into the water with a great splash.


After the funeral the guests were invited to a beautiful balcony built into the cliffside. Maren stood beside the Queen, watching as her children interacted with their niece and nephews. Melora, ever the sweetheart, sat beside Helena, watching as her niece played with an insect of some kind. Myra, the adventurous one, was crouched down in the dirt beside Helena, looking for other insects for the princess. Octavia, the bookworm, leaned against the stone wall, reading some novel she had snuck to the funeral. Oswald stood beside his older nephews, hanging off of every word Aemond said.

The two boys had become quick friends, both interested in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. Aemond fascinated by the history of Old Valyria, and Oswald enthralled by the history of the First Men. Though each of them was ecstatic to learn about the other's favorite topic.

"How have you been, Maren?" Alicent asked, tearing the older woman's attention from her children.

"I have been well. Motherhood is a wonderful gift, but it does keep one quite busy."

Alicent laughed at her stepmother's comment. "Yes, I am well versed on the topic. Aegon and Aemond keep me quite occupied."

"Lyonel Strong's son's been staring at you," The Queen's sworn protector spoke, approaching the two women. "Since the moment we arrived, Your Grace."

Both women glanced over their shoulder, looking at the staring man, who nodded in response.

"Unabashedly." Ser Criston added on.

"Has he no shame?" Maren spoke. "It is not proper to leer at a married woman, let alone the Queen."

"It is only a look of pride. Larys is the new lord of Harrenhal." Alicent spoke, dismissing the topic. The three stood in silence, observing the crowd, all three attempting to ignore Lord Larys' stare.

Maren watched as the King approached his brother, speaking for a moment until Prince Daemon stormed off. Otto stepped into the Prince's path, most likely speaking his condolences before the Prince leaned in, no doubt insulting her husband, and stomped away. Out of the corner of her eye, Maren saw Rhaenyra follow after her uncle.

"The Princess just followed after her uncle." Maren whispered to Alicent.

Before Alicent could respond, the King walked up to the trio, not even sparing them a glance. "I'm going to bed, Aemma."

"Shall I see after Queen Alicent, Your Grace?" Ser Harrold Westerling spoke, slyly correcting the King.

King Viserys looked at his wife, finally seeing the woman before him. "No, Ser Harrold."

"You have the night's watch, Ser Criston." Ser Harrold spoke, following the King to his chambers.

At the King's exit the crowd returned to their conversations, though some remained focused on the Queen.

"Are you alright, Alicent?" Marren asked, placing a hand on the Queen's shoulder.

Alicent merely shook her head in response, leaning into her friend's touch. 

AN: And I'm back! Sorry I got hyper-focused on Sycamore Tree.


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