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Cole's POV:

I felt faint, and as if I would throw up or cough. It was a struggle holding it all back, but if they saw that I had this disease, nothing would stay the same. Kai looked at me with eager in his eyes. I've always loved that look of his, but I was to tired to say anymore. I was passed out.

When I woke up again, I was in my bed. Tea rested on the side of my nightstand, and I felt something cold on my head. A wet rag. I get up and I groan leaves my mouth. My whole body was sore. So sore. I raise my hand to my forehead and close my eyes. Suddenly, I hear the door creak open. Nya.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were awake." She smiles softly and comes to sit on my bed with me. "You feeling ok?"

"No..." I looked to the ground. It was clear what she was wondering. She was wondering on if I was talking about my mental or physical state. To me honestly, I would have the same ancwer for both.

"I made you some tea." We both look over to the cup on my nightstand.

"Thanks..." I felt so, terrible. A sigh leaves my mouth and my hand trails down my sheets. That's when I felt something weird. I slowly look under my sheets to see a pink, bloody peddle. My eyes go wide for a quick second but I make sure Nya can't see it. She was fiddling around with her fingers so I was safe.

"You said you saw Chamille? What happened?" Pain strikes my heart as she said that. Knowing that Kai is being played will break her. Slowly, I open my mouth to tell her but is stopped by the feeling of a cough. I can't cough infront of her. Quickly I rush for my bathroom, leaving Nya confused. The door closes behind me and I head to the toilet, throwing up all the blood and peddles that had just sat there. It was getting worse. "Cole...?" Nya slowly walks in, and I flush the peddles down before she could see. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just had to throw up." I turn to her, rubbing my face and smiling nervously. She was already to worryed. I didn't want to add onto it. "Uh- back to your question. Yes. I saw her. She um..." I look down, scared to tell her. "She's pretending to be Skylar...." I couldn't look at Nya. Fear of ger reaction filled me. "She's using Kai for her own needs. Skylar is probably held captive somewhere...." Silence. There was so much silence. It scared me. Slowly, I looked up. Nya was mad. So mad. This wasn't good.

"That two faced, lying, dirty, bitch ass dickhead!" She screamed out, angry at everything. Kai would hate if he heard her swearing right now. "I'm gonna kill her!" She storms out of the bathroom, heading for the door out of my own room, but I stop her.

"Nya! Calm down. I don't want to keep thus from your brother, bur once he hears is, he'll need us ok?" I look her in the eyes, watching as they calm down. The eyes were the windows to your soul. Kai had told me that once. It's true.

"Your right...." She takes a deep breathe in, then out again. "Let's go." I nod and we walk out to Kai's room. He wasn't there. "What? But I thought-" Nya was cut off by the sound of a girl's voice.

"Chamille..." I rush down the stairs, Nya following and see Kai with the fake Skylar sitting in the kitchen.

"Oh, hey guys." Kai smiles to us and looks to me worryed. "You ok buddy? We were worryed about you." I don't ancwer. Chamille was messing with him. "Cole?"

"Kai...." Nya steps infront of me, looking to the fake Skylar. "That's not Skylar." Kai looked confused, but Chamille's eyes said everything. She knew that she was busted. "That's Chamille pretending to be her. She's using you. She tied up Cole and the real Skylar is probably hidden somewhere-"

"What are you talking about Nya?" The fake Skykar asked as calm as she could. "Did something happen?"

"Stop messing with my brother!" Nya step forward to hit her but I hold her back. "Let me go-!"

"Nya..." I look down to her and she lets a large angry breath out. Nya gets out of my arms and I look back to Kai. He was confused. "Kai, she's telling the truth. That is Chamille." I watch as Chamille frantically looks to Kai.

"Their lying? I don't know why but-"

"What?" Kai had cut her off. "Your freaking out? Skylar only ever did that when she was hiding something... and the real skylar couldn't ever be hiding this. It's impossible." He turned to look her in the eyes. "You're lying..." He looked heartbroken.

"Kai please-" She was once again cut off, this time but Kai pushing her away. Nya took this chance to grab her and tied her up from behind. "Ugh! You little b-"

"Oh shut it." Nya stuffs a large piece of fabric in her mouth and looks back to Kai. He looked angry, but so very sad. "Oh Kai...." Nya didn't move though. She just stared. I couldn't bare to see him like this though. Slowly, I walk over to him.

"Kai..." I put my hand on his shoulder and I felt him shake.

"And to think.... I thought someone actually loved me...." Kai laughed sadly to himself. "Guess not."

"Don't say that." I turn him to look at me. "Don't ever say that. I'm sure so many people love you for you, and Skylar loves you for sure. The real one."

"How do you know?" He sounded to hopeless. I pause at his question. He wasn't coughing up peddles. She loved him, even just a little bit in a romantic way.

"Trust me..." I pull him in for a hug, his smaller body folding up in my arms. This was nice. A really nice way to spend one of my last times with him.

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