☆ 01 | Reed's Protector ☆

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☆ Chapter 01 ☆

She wakes up only to realize she is on the concrete floor. What the... Where is she? She thought. Standing up she see it's still mid-afternoon and she is standing infront of a liquor store. She slowly walks forward , turning the doorknob she enters the store. The little bell on top jingle as she enters but there is nobody inside. Walking up to the check out counter she rings a bell, but nobody comes. What is going on? she thought.

There is a gush of wind behind her and she spins around. Suddenly she is standing at the door entrance again. Looking up there is three other people there. The cashier behind the counter. A guy in a ski-mask with a guy and a cop. The guy with the guy is saying something but it is all muffled, like she is under water. She can't hear a thing.

The armed man all of a sudden turn his attention and his weapon in my direction. "Choose?" He says.

"What? What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"I said choose!"

"Choose what? I don't understand!"

"Choose Alexa. It's you or him?" He armed man points the gun between her and the cop.

"What?! No I am not going to choose! Please just take what you want and go!"

"Fine have it your way." The armed man shrugged with a wicked grin.

Suddenly the gun is in her hand and a shot went off. "Noooooo!"

Alexa jumps awake, sitting up straight. She frantically looks around her and see she is still in the comfort of her own bed. She is fine.

Rubbing her hand over her face she throw the blanket off her and stand up heading straight to the kitchen for a cup of much needed coffee. After getting the kettle started she head to the bathroom.

Turning the cold tap open she splashes ice cold water over her face. Taking in a deep breath, she looks at herself in then mirror before blowing out slowly. 'After all these years and it the nightmares still keeps coming.' Alexa thought as she looks at herself in the mirror.

The sound of the kettle going off snaps her out of her thoughts. Quickly she does her business before she head back into the kitchen.

Just as she takes out a cup for herself, her doorbell rang. Signing she head over to check who it is. Peeking through the peep hole and see it is her best friend, Amanda.

"Alexa isn't currently home right now, please leave a message after the beep." Alexa waited a second before she imitated a beeping sound.

"Very funny Alexa, now open the door. I have something important to ask you."

"No. It's to early for it." Alexa already knew what this 'important' thing is her best friend wanted to her and she was not up for it.

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