☆ 04 | Reed's Protector ☆

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As promised, here is chapter 4. Enjoy! 😉

☆ Chapter 04 ☆

Alexa can not decide which outfit would suit the best. Examining the two options on the hangers, she looks at herself once more in the floor-length mirror, tilting her head in indecisiveness. A second longer, Alexa spins around toward her best friend, who is currently sitting on her bed, flipping through an old magazine. "What do you think, Amanda? The flirty garnet dress that says,' I am looking hot, but not like a harlot.' or..." Alexa changed the mid-thigh garnet dress she was holding in front of her body for the other dress. "The deceiving mauve dress, that says 'I may look cute and innocent at first glance, but the slit gives me the sexy appeal for our next date."

Amanda looks up from the magazine she was skimming. She looked very comical until she got that sneaky look on her face, her lips turning into a devilish grin. "Next Date? Didn't you go out on a date with him last night?"  When Amanda saw the look on Alexa's face, she could not help giggling.

Only that made Alexa groan, she flopped onto the bed, face first and that is how she stayed.

"Okay, come one, sit up! Up! Up!" Amanda leaned toward her friend and dragged and protested Alexa up into a sitting position. "Girl, you got it bad for this guy already." Amanda couldn't help but giggle again when she saw the discombobulated look still plaster on Alexa's face.

"I know, but Wyatt's so sweet and handsome and charming, and he's funny too! Like a real gentleman. Do you know how rare a true gentleman is still out there? Like those sweet pastries, I love so much down at Nibbles bakery that Mrs. Mabel only makes once a year." Alexa took a deep breath after she realized she was ranting again.

"Tell you what, why don't we go out and have some girl time? We can watch a movie or go to your favorite bookstore. It's get your mind off of Officer Sexy."  Amanda suggested an excited glint in her eyes.

"Please, you just want to go out." Alexa rolled her eyes. Typical Amanda, but she still loves her to bits.

"What?! No! It is completely and utterly to support the best friend of all times."

Alexa scoffs, "Suck up."

"But it's working, right?" Amanda grins, wiggling her eyebrows.

Alexa grumbles something incoherent under her breath but smiles nothing less. Amanda squealed excitedly, clapping her hands together before grabbing Alexa's hand and dragging her to her closet.

"Oh, maybe we can go watch that new Chris Pine movie. Goodness, that man is hot."

"Here we go again." Alexa sighed.

"What?!?" Amanda asked, as she

"You think every actor named Chris is hot." Alexa laughed. Just like that, the two girls went into a friendly banter as they started getting ready for a night full of fun.

☆     ☆     ☆

The front door knob jiggles for a second before it stops. Suddenly there is a bunch of giggles before there is a loud thumb on the other side of the door.  "Give me that you muffin head!" Came a voice a second before the door swung open and two girls came stumbling into the apartment.

"I can not believe you did that, Amanda! The poor guy!" Alexa couldn't stop laughing when she thought back at the memory.

"What!? He was asking for it!" Amanda exclaimed.

"You dumped your entire drink on the guy!"

"Oh come on, Alexa! What did he expect is going to happen when he kicks someone else seat for an entire movie long" Amanda grinned. 

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