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At the end of May and into June, I sat my GCSEs at school. I spent most of my time, in the top bedroom at the pub, sat at my desk revising. It was often a nice distraction from missing Mum and Isla. I left my room to go into school for an exam and to eat downstairs with Michelle, Steve and Rosie, who had just turned 1. Working so hard at the beginning of summer, meant that I had a long summer off. I did a little bit of work with Michelle in the pub which she paid me for, before deciding that I wanted to be down in Devon with Mum and Isla for the summer.

The cottage in Devon was gorgeous. A little three-bedroom cottage with a cute little garden and a view to the sea. When I arrived, Mum was excited to see me, so much so that she was in tears on the train platform when I got off. Isla ran towards me, as if I'd never been away and I pulled Mum into hug as both as she stood and watched.

"So, how's the house? I like the new car." I asked as we both sat down with a cup of tea that evening after Isla was in bed.

"The house is good, the lady who lives next door is lovely and a big fan of Isla." She said.

"And how's Isla been?" I asked her.

"Her usual mischievous self, but she's settled down a bit since she's started at her new nursery. She's going a few days a week while I do a bit of consulting, for the restaurant Nick and I were meant to buy. I couldn't afford it, not without his money too, so I offered to do some consulting for them instead, the owner is really grateful, and the restaurant is doing much better. I'll have to take you down there while you're here. How long are you staying?" she asked.

"I thought until the middle of August." I said.

"Oh Orlie, I would love to have you here until then, I've really missed you." She said.

"And how's the baby? Have you seen a midwife down here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw a midwife a few weeks ago, finally had my 20-week scan about 5 weeks late and all is good." She said.

"Good, I'm glad." I said.

"They told me the gender, if you want to know." She said excitedly.

"Oh my goodness, yes please." I replied.

"How does another little sister sound?" she asked.

"Really good," I said as she pulled me into her.

I spent the next six weeks down in Devon with Mum and Isla. It was lovely to see them both so happy down there, enjoying a bit more freedom and a bit less stress, despite the fact Mum was almost nine months pregnant by the time I left in the middle of August. I knew that I was leaving the two of them happier than when I got there, even though they were sad to see me go. I was sad to leave them too, but I'd promised to be back down before the baby was born at the beginning of October and then again in October half term.

Mum dropped me off at the train station where I waved goodbye to Isla in the car and got out and hugged Mum goodbye too.

"I want to hear as soon as you know those results, ok? If I have to hear them through Michelle in some family group chat, then I won't be impressed." She said, as she held onto both of my hands.

"Just like I want you to know anything that happens with the baby. I know I'll be down again before she's here, but Mum seriously, call me if you need me." I said.

"I will my girl. I love you." She said, hugging me.

"I love you too." I said back before pulling away and grabbing my suitcase from the boot. I waved goodbye to Mum as I walked across the car park and into the train station.

"Orlie, I need you upstairs now." Michelle said when I got back to the pub that evening. She was in tears and quickly marched up the stairs, and up again to the top floor, to my bedroom. I took my bag off my back as she sat down on my bed. "Shut the door." She said quietly, wiping more tears from her face.

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