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By the end of May, Michelle's dream wedding to Robert had ended in disaster when she was held captive and shot by Pat Phelan, who luckily died in the day's events too. Aidan's will had also been read and he had left his 18% of the factory to me, which meant I now owned 40%.

By the end of June, I had finished my A-level exams. I had spent a few days partying with my friends before I had started working full time at the factory.

By the end of July, Mum's pregnancy had become too hard to hide and she had to tell people. Although the baby's Dad was a secret the two of us still kept to ourselves, apart from telling Michelle.

By the end of August, I'd received my A-Level results, two A's and an A*, which was better than I was expecting. I decided after everything happening with Aidan, and Mum with the baby, not to go to university, I needed to be here, be home. After coming back from a week in Devon with the girls and I, Mum had been hanging around with Peter, despite the fact unbeknownst to him, Mum was carrying his baby.

By the end of September, I had started playing netball with Manchester Thunder and training was going really well. Ella turned 2 and Peter was helping us out at the factory. One of the clients we had back when he was a part of the business had come looking for business and Peter seemed to be at every meeting that Mum went to with this client.

And by the end of October, he just hung around her, like a bad smell.

"Good afternoon, ladies, are you ready to go Carla?" Peter asked as he walked into the office at Underworld one Thursday.

"Yeah, just a sec." Mum said, briefly glancing up from her laptop.

"Where are you two going?" I asked, putting my pen down and leaning back in my chair.

"Just for lunch with this new client I've brought on for you." He said, looking very pleased with himself.

"Do we owe you something for that by the way? Some money, a set of fancy underwear for your latest squeeze, or I think we've actually got two daughters of yours at home that would love to put a face to the name, not that they know who they're Dad really is?" I said. I could feel Mum's glazing eyes burning a hole in the side of my face as I spoke as if she were saying that is way too close to reality.

"You know I always thought that Rob was the vicious guard dog, but it turns out to be you Orla." He said.

"Can you blame her Peter? Come on, let's go." She said, standing up from her desk and grabbing her coat and bag. "Oi you, can you make sure the McKnees order is out by 5 please?" she continued before kissing the top of my head and leaving the office with Peter. I hated him, how close he could get to her, yet he wouldn't touch his daughters, took absolutely no responsibility for that part of his life. I finished replying to emails, got the order out and sent the girls home just after 5 when Mum got back from her meeting.

"I'm just picking my laptop up and then I'll go and get the girls, ok?" she said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay late and finish this contract for my meeting tomorrow." I said, barely looking up from my computer to talk to her.

"Orla, I know you hate him, but he's brought this new client on, and we really need this contract." She said.

"At what price though Mum? To get back into bed with you, or for his own financial gain? Because you and I both know it's always one of them when it comes to Peter." I said.

"Hey Orlie, come on, you know we really need this." She said as she walked around to my desk and perched on the edge, sitting right in front of me so I could no longer ignore her.

"But Mum, you don't need him. You don't need his business and you especially don't need the stress that always comes with him. Every time you push him away, he worms his way back in and breaks your heart. I know we need this contract, but we need to ditch him." I said.

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