Chris Sturniolo ~ McDonald's Date

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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,345
Warnings: none <3
A/n: Pretty lazy, it's currently 3:31am and I'm fuckin sleep deprived. I haven't slept since 10am.. And when I did get sleep it was like four hours. I gotta gts soon

McDonald's. What a lovely memory from my childhood. Everything about the memory is perfect. First year of middle school, the indoor playground, always ordering the same things (ten piece, medium fry, extra ketchup, Dr. Pepper, and an Oreo McFlurry), and most importantly: the triplets.

That's where we had met, actually. Chris and I met behind the big red slide in the indoor playground. We talked for ages about stupid things, like our fear of Ronald McDonald and how the apple pies weren't as good as people said they were.

After a while, he had introduced me to his triplet brothers, Nick and Matt. We hit it off instantly. But the time came, and we had to go home. Nick and I threw a fit and convinced our parents to let us hangout more. And they listened. They exchanged numbers, and we'd all been inseparable since.


"Come on, Chris!" Matt yells from downstairs.

"I'm coming, Jesus." He shouts back.

"He takes... Fucking forever. Only God know's what the fuck he does up there that takes so damn long." Nick complains to me, causing me to laugh.

"I don't know how you guys do it." I giggle as Chris comes stumbling downstairs.

"Are you ready to go now?" Matt asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah," he looks over at me and winks, "let's go."

I roll my eyes to avoid the blush that's urging to show on my face. Chris and I had always been best friends. Always. Never anything less, never anything more. Best friends. But, I guess you can say we kinda have a thing for each other. And I guess you can say I kinda always had a thing for him. The reason why we're not dating is because, well, I'm scared. And he doesn't wanna fuck up. Simple right?


"Alright, (Y/n). What're you gonna order?" Matt asks as we all sit in the booth.

"What I always get," I reply.

"Ten piece, medium fry, Dr. Pepper, and an Oreo McFlurry."

"Ten piece, medium fry, Dr. Pepper, Oreo McFlurry." Chris and I say in unison.

"What in the Disney mother fuck just happened?" Nick jokes chuckling.

"I have no idea, but I get it now." Matt chuckles, winking at Nick.

"And extra ketchup." Chris adds.

"What?" Matt looks up from the notepad he's gonna give to the cashier.

"She always orders extra ketchup as well. Get it right, Kid." Chris looks down, embarrassed.

Matt and Nick exchange looks and look back at Chris. "Alrighty then." Matt stands up and straightens out his clothes. Walking up to the cashier and hands him the notepad.


"No! You were running away from Nate then you ran into that counter. I didn't push you, Matt!" Nick exclaims through a mouth full of food.

"You're a liar. You shoved me into the kitchen counter, (Y/n) was there. And she's gonna vouch for it. Right (Y/n)? "

I look up at Matt. "Huh?"

"Nevermind." He sighs.

"(Y/n). We should go to the indoor playground!" Chris shouts when he notices it behind me.

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