Chapter one: Trying my best to live, and understand

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Why was this happening... to me- out of all the other people out there in the world, It really really!! Had to be me still? Dang it!!

I was once again grabbing onto my head, my fingers not so gently tugging on my hair as I tried to figure out or remember anything before I woke up here in this room. But like earlier nothing, nothing came to mind- nor did any solution to how I was suppose to figure out where I was appeared in my head.

It was just blank, in my defense.. not that I need to defend myself or anything but- in my defense. I am shocked, scared to death, in a room I have no recollection whatsoever of even entering or sleeping in. And then there's a cat beside the bed I woke up from-...

Wait a minute....

That cat was still in here............!

My head immediately twisted over to my right side where the cat was- and well they were indeed still there staring into my soul which was void of sane thoughts right now.. with the situation and all but come on could you blame me?

Cautiously.. I moved from my sitting position and went over to the edge of the bed till my legs were hanging from its side and were firmly on the wooden floor beneath me.

"Well.. I might sound stupid doing this but.. do you.. do you know where we are right now?"

Well, that sounded stupid. I am trying to communicate with a cat, mind you a random cat that I found sitting on the side of the bed watching me sleep probably for who knows how long. The attempt on communicating with it not only shocked me but it seemed to have shocked them as well-

Honestly I think I've lost my mind now-...

But before I could ramble on some more and well just run through my head for answers, the calico cat surprisingly nodded it's head.. which caused me to stop thinking for a while- cause I mean, that cat just responded back to a question, me a human, had asked it.

This cat was weird... but even so, if it knew where we were it was by far my best shot at getting to know my surroundings and just live in wherever I was right now. Nodding, I once again, carefully pushed myself off of the bed.

Grabbing onto the bed's headboard for support as once I stood up it felt like gravity was tugging on me to lay back down on the soft mattress yeah.. not happening 'til I get my answers.

Walking over to the calico cat-.. I should probably stop calling it that but, whatever I'll just go with it for now. I crouched down so that I wasn't towering over the poor thing and took a deep breathe, before I questioned it once again.

"So you know where we are correct?" It nodded once again, a good sign that it at least understood me. Continuing, I asked if they could show me around.

"Can you show me around where we are right now..? So I could you know.. maybe remember a few things.. and figure out why I am here..?" Again, it nodded. Though this time it also stood up, causing me to get up from my crouching position to follow it.

The door to the room I was sleeping in was wide open, not surprisingly since I might've maybe forgotten to close it when I entered.. or the person who brought me here forgot.. I still have no clue yet. Right now though I was being brought around the small apartment I seemed to be in, it was cozy. But with the fact I awoke here with no memory- heh that definitely made it even more cozy.

Note my sarcasm.

Though as the calico-.. hm, you know what I'll call it sensei from now on.

Though as sensei continued to tour me around the place there were a few things I noted down.

1. It seemed I was again, in a small yet cozy apartment.
2. The design of the place was.. asian from what  I can tell
3. There were Japan scriptures on wooden signs that were hung up here and there.. not only that but even a few notebooks that had kanji written on its front cover
4. I concluded that I was somewhere in Japan right now...
5. Finally, while we were walking around. In the kitchen I saw a brown leather book, it was of medium size not to big.. and not to small. And there were pictures inside.. these pictures seemed to bring back a flashback of what had actually happened before I found myself in some small Japanese apartment.


Me and my best friend Alyysa Black were just wandering around a small 7/11, it was exactly.. 12 in the afternoon. We were- from the looks of it, looking around to buy some snacks since again it was lunch time.

While we were doing so, me and her went our own ways in the store. Hoping to find more stuff and be done quicker that way.. if only we didn't cause a certain event will lead to my demise. Leading me to the apartment I wake up in.

I had already grabbed a good amount of snacks, there were doritos, some nachos, pocky, chocolate, and some drinks, it was for Alyysa though as I preferred my water.

As I wandered around the store trying my best to look for my best friend. Though before I could- shouts were heard.. that of terror and fear it seemed. As I sprinted over to where it came from-.. I finally understood why the shouts seemed so terrified of whatever it saw.

There was a holdupper, or in english for you people who don't know what a holdupper is. There was a person with a gun, in black, seemingly ready to shoot whilst trying to get the money from the cashier of this 7/11.

But before I could try figuring out how to help.. as there were only about 7 of us right now in this 7/11, the rest of the people before us having already fled the scene, that or were outside right now probably dialing the police.

I was behind an aisle, hiding, crouched down. Though I could still see the guy who was trying to rob from the 7/11, I was about to bring out my phone to call for the police as well but paused when I saw the guy had a hostage.

Glancing to see who it was-... my blood ran cold, and my face turned pale. My best friend was their hostage.. oh, okay.. so they were asking for death now were they?

Hiding behind the aisle once again I looked around my surroundings trying to find something I could use as a weapon.. and well, the only thing I could use right now- was a broken off metal piece of an aisle that this guy seemed to have knocked over.

That sucked since that also meant they were strong.. hah, this is going to be freaking fantastic huh? Go me. Grabbing the piece of metal, I used a handkerchief I had on my and wrapped it around the dirtier part of the piece of metal-.. cause yes I wanted to save my friend but ain't no way am I touching that part.. it was disgusting and quite frankly unhygienic mind you.

Grabbing onto the piece of metal again, I glanced back at the guy who still had my best friend in a choke hold.. the gun pointing towards her head. Glancing at the weapon I had in hand.. I noticed my hands were shaking.. I was scared. Afraid.

Yes, I knew that.. I knew that if I failed i could possibly get killed or worse my friend would die as well. But I had no choice now do I?

So with a final breathe, I gripped onto that piece of metal tightly and without a care of my life. I jumped out of hiding spot and attacked the person who had wanted death from the moment they decided to hold my friend hostage.


Glancing up at Alyssa.. I smiled.. ignoring the iron taste coming from my mouth. Ignoring the people who were making sure the holdupper was down. And ignoring the current bullet wound I had on my stomach.

Like what I said earlier, I knew this might happen.. did I care..? No, why? Well, my goal was met. My best friend is save and so are the other people who were in this store, another thing.. despite the fact I am wounded I was able to stab the crap out of that guy as well. Granted.

They weren't as badly wounded as I was but.. it was something at least. Right now, I just stared up at my best friend, my ears picking up on the sound of an ambulance nearing, and police cars.. but I paid no heed to them. My hand merely caressing my friend's cheek.

Wiping away their tears gently.

"H-hey... I am fine see.. I saved you guys from that-.. Mhg.. bastard..." I was able to mutter out softly, despite the fact my throat felt like crap and I had blood spilling everywhere out of my mouth.. I did my best to comfort and reassure my friend I was okay.

"No you're not!! You're bleeding for crying out loud Mika!!-.. no no.. I am so sorry I-.. you shouldn't have gotten shot it should've been me I-!!" I stopped her then.

"Shut up will you.. I am fine, and.. stop saying that to yourself.. I'd prefer it be me than you-.. Ghn.. any day anyways.. but, if it isn't much.. tell my family I love them yeah..? And that I am sorry for being reckless.. this time.. also.. make sure my laptop and phone are no where to be found and delete my search history.. got that?"

I smiled as I heard a small giggle come from them, seemingly amused by my joke on what I said.

"I will... I'll, I'll make sure they hear that.. and I'll get rid of your history for you.." Chuckling softly with them, my vision blurred. Black dots appearing, with one final breathe.. and one final glance at my best friend.

As the paramedics and police arrived, I was able to turn my head and glance at their figures before my eyes moved onto the guy i just beat up passed out.. hm, at least they didn't harm anyone else..

One more glance at my friend.. I closed my eyes slowly as my vision blurred completely.. muffled voices were heard but.. I was too tired to stay awake. Finally, when darkness was all that I saw.. my hand fell from Alyysa's face.. and I was announced dead.

Mika Elijah Villareal.. cause of death, shot. But.. she died a hero, a brave hero who put herself on the line for others.


Gasping awake, I found myself on the floor.. sensei sitting down next to me..... the picture book laying down open by my side.

So that's what happened to me.. that's how I died. That's why I am here.. still, it was a mystery as to why after I just died. I awoke in a random japanese apartment still.. I'll figure that out later..

Without even noticing it.. a few tears started to spill. As I smiled... at least I knew they were safe... at least my family-.. or the family I used to have.. they were alright.. yeah...


(A/n) - Hello! I wasn't able to add this is cause i was rushing ^^" but i hope you all enjoyed the first actual chapter of my book! 

I hope to see you all soon~ 

(Word count: 1943)

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