Chapter Twenty-One : Aftermath

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The end of this annoying task of a mission was a relief Mika never thought they'd fine joy in receiving, as usually.. these types of missions for them brought on quite the high they enjoyed to indulge themselves in here and there.

But apparently, having two idiots as your partners for such a simple.. SIMPLE, mission was as tiring as running 3 marathons all at once. Sure, the grey-eyed assassin had to admit that having them both as partners had it's pros and cons.

With bandages, aka Dazai cause calling him by his name just seemed boring to them, he's smart, cunning and a quick thinker. So they didn't need to do all the investigating stuff, even with their prior knowledge about this place.. plus, he made for a good comic-relief here and there.

Although having him as a partner also meant having to deal with his sorry ass, trying to keep him from killing himself, and just dealing with the smug bastard in general would get to their nerves sooner than later. And that was a feat they thought only Chuuya was capable of, and now there's two of them.

Chuuya, Ginger and.. well whatever the hell they usually call them by, was obviously still a hot-head as usual.. more so now that Dazai had accompanied them for this mission. But as always, he was the brute strength and front face of their little group. So sure he lacked in the puzzle solving, which cost him to lose his bet with Bandages-.. anyways, but he was still definitely helpful when it came to the strength department.

Cons was.. again, he was definitely a lot more on edge now that Dazai was with them. Not only that but he was snappier, thankfully he kept his snaps aimed toward a certain mafia teen they had accompany them.

But overall, they had both exhausted their patience, and mental control on not smacking them both so hard on the head that they'd have at least 5 concussions. Seriously, were all teen guys like this? Granted, men and their egos were always a match made in hell for woman.

And now with their situation in hand.. Mika was sure the three of them would be a permanent pair for quite a while, that is before.. the main plot happens in a few years.

Right now, the trio had already came from Mori's office the usual reports and stuff, and were outside a nearby park next to the PM building. Mika knelt down in front of Chuuya who had been pretty badly injured.. having broken his leg pretty badly. And the other bruises and stuff.

As the assassin used their ability to heal the male, their grey-eyes landed on the bandaged teen a few feet away from them.. eyes immediately planting themselves on their blood stained shirt. Which was still clearly dripping with the red substance, and sure, they had owed the guy nothing to reach out a helping hand for them.

But.. their morals always over weighed the selfish desire to say no when it came to helping people, people they knew they had the ability to help and weren't complete assholes that is.

"Hey." Mika called out softly to the male as they stood from where they were knelt at, having finished treating Chuuya's lesions. Letting the male take a little nap on the bench they were sat on, after all, whenever they did treat people they would always get a bit sleepy.

Approaching the bandaged male now, the assassin held their hand out to them. Watching as the brown-eyed male glanced at the hand both in amusement and in caution.

"Hm?~ You asking for a dance Mika-chan?" Dazai tilted his head teasingly, before complying with the gesture and softly planting his hand onto their palm. Brown eyes observing the shorter teen's expression in front of him.

Okay.. maybe they could make some exceptions to who gets their mercy ahen it came to their morals. Huffing, they'd gently squeeze the male's hand and give it a firm shake.

Before letting it go and turning to glance at a sleeping Chuuya. "I just wanted to say thank you, for helping us I mean. Plus that smartass plan of yours did get us out of there-"

The assassin paused, trying to come up with something nice to say as they were running out of ideas.

"Unharmed. Or well, mostly unharmed I suppose." They'd say softly, before giving him a knowing look towards his wound and Chuuya's.

Dazai was surprised at the sudden notion of gratitude he was recieving. Usually, he'd get nothing more than a pat on the back for getting the job done and not dying.

Or get reprimanded for going to far. There was no in between or 'Thank You's' in this line of work after all.

And that was to be expected, it was a kill or be killed world out there and things such as pity, gratitude, and mercy gets you nowhere in this joint.

And yet- the bandaged male couldn't stop the weird.. wamrth blossoming in his chest. Gazing dumbfounded at the shorter teen in front of him, how did they manage to rack such a reaction from him?

What was he feeling anyways-? And why did it make him feel all warm and fuzzy.

But as if a switch was flicked back on, the bandaged-male put on a fake smirk and started to chuckle at Mika.

"Pftt- HAHA!-.. Hmmp- you, you actually want to thank me for saving you guys?" Dazai chortled out, snickering as he waved his hand at them.

"It was for the mission, thanking me would be like thanking your ability for working. So don't even bother." He said amused, but there was an undertone of seriousness to his words at the end of his sentence.

Mika on the otherhand observed them as they continued to ramble on about how useless thanking him was. And about how dumb of a concept gratitude was in general.

They.. understood the brunette through half their rambling, but mentally disagreed with them on some points.

Still, as the assassin observed them. Now, they could really take a better look at the male. At just how.. broken he was at this age.

Just how much damage Mori had done to him and his way of thinking. And the grey-eyed assassin wished for nothing more than to help him.

But.. in due time, they knew Dazai would get better. In due time they'd find some way to twist the storyline in order to save those who needed saving.

In due time...

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