Chapter seven: The risky job pt.1

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TW: Violence, fighting, someone gets stabbed-.. so blood, cursing can be found in this chapter.
Read at your own risk:

Mika found themselves atop one of the roofs of the rundown houses built in this giant crater city. They weren't in the deep parts yet, being on top of the outer area of Suribachi city. Seeing this, it gave them quite the view of the city. That and the rest of Yokohama and the ocean as well. Plus the view of that abandoned tower, they might've forgot the name of that one though..

Ah right, the Skull fortress right? Yeah that was probably it, from afar it seemed very beautiful. Truly it did, but the young assassin knew this place, or well specifically that tower would be quite the plot point in a few years. 

That and the fact this could possibly be Chuuya's birthplace..? But they were just making conclusions here- ah right, they should focus on the job now yeah.

Glancing amongst the hundred to thousand houses scattered across the crater, Mika was hidden amongst the shadows. The full moon behind them illuminating the view, not only that but it acted as their light to find the house their prey was hiding in.

Having memorized the exact location and some landmarks they found earlier with the use of dada~ ☆ google maps ☆. Yes, that map was their best friend when it came to these things- as well as when they needed a new grocery to go to or a train station, boba shop and- yeah you get their point.

Right now they had eyes on the targets house, granted it was quite deep into the city but there were more than enough hidden alleyways here to help with their escape once things are done and over with. Speaking of which, it seemed there were no sheep in the area.. this probably wasn't part of their territory then.

The outer section of this city didn't seem too roudy, seemed more peaceful than what the inner parts of it seemed to be. Quieter definitely, but either way this wouldn't make Mika drop their guard down so easily just because of the pretty view and quiet scenery.

Cause once they get deeper into this place, they had a gut feeling they'll witness some hidden sights that definitely weren't part of their tour here. Well, might as well get things over it..!

Jumping off of the roof they had teleported themselves too, they landed upon the pavement below them softly. Making sure to avoid the littered cans and plastic around the place to be discreet and vigilant, to avoid any passerby's around the place. And this was to also make sure not too much noise was created, they couldn't have anyone investigating it after all.

Swiftly, they had found the alleyway path they needed to take to get towards their targets location. And with Riyaka's help, they were guided on where to go to head their in the most quickest and most efficient way possible without getting seen.

'Turn right, quickly.'

They turn right quickly like told, blocking and avoiding stepping on the things that may make too much noise.

'Left, duck down, then walk forward.'

Doing that, they had avoided the wooden pole about to hit them on the head as well with that duck- good thing too. That would've hurt bad- it had nails in it for crying out loud! Visible ones.

'Head to your right, then left, afterwards stay there. There's someone coming.'

Someone coming..? No matter, Mika decided to question them about it later- besides it seems like they were about to see who it was anyways. They stayed hidden in the dark shadows of the compressed alleyway they were in, ducking down as well to stay out of eyes view.

And well, there was definitely someone coming alright. Mika could already here the footsteps, not only that but it seemed like there were multiple.. 3.. no, 5 people. Heading to their left probably, that meant they were walking straight that was good they wouldn't see them. But who were these people.

Camouflaged in the shadows, the young assassin watched as the first 3 people passed by his line of sight, there was 2 boys and a girl. The girl having mid length pink-hair, the guy grey-ish hair and the other one.. a ginger- wait those clothes are- seriously. The job wasn't even done yet and they were this close to getting caught already, hm, they're probably in sheep territory then. This will suck huh.

Watching them passby, they made no move to go forward or back where they came from till they were sure the group had gone by. 2 more followed after the trio and after that they waited for a while before daring to move a muscle- pausing once footsteps were heard coming back. Quickly, they got back into the shadows.

Watching a 14 year old Chuuya bending down in their view, it seemed they dropped something.. ah, a wallet. Observing them, Mika slightly winced at their loud voice as they called to his friends to wait up. But not before looking at the alleyway they were in specifically, okay.. this was it. They were fuc- no wait. They just looked it seemed..

But, somehow.. Mika caught their gaze despite it not being on them directly. And they had to admit.. they had pretty eyes-.. NO- WAIT WHAT?!?! Mika. Fucking focus.

They had enjoyed the view of the male's ocean eyes for a little longer, before that pink-haired girl went on ahead and dragged them back towards their group. Though thankfully, it seemed they weren't spotted. Riyaka was nagging their ear off.. they weren't even the ones making some kind of an eye contact with this man and yet here they were worrying like crazy.

'That was reckless and you know it, next time be more careful!'

"Yeah yeah, got it now back onto the mission already please... goodness-" Mika could only silently respond to them.

'Right, head forward, then another left, continue onward till you find a house with a red door then go right and we should be there.'

"Thanks" They muttered before getting up and outta the shadows, checking the area for an all clear before zooming to the next alleyway in front of them. Wanting to get in quickly to avoid being seen as they had to cross an open like pathway.

After that close call, they were definitely close to the perpetrators den, and boy was Mika dying to finally catch their prey. Hm, they did wonder.. what would they do with them once they have them in their hands.

Well, only one way to find out.


(Word count:1094)

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