Log #1 A Chance Encounter (Year 2114)

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Heavy breaths and ragged footsteps ran across the area as the sound of whizzing bullets and distant screams were upon the horizon of the ruins.

"Ублюдок -" A man cursed as he ran towards a secure area amongst the ruins. (Motherfucker-)

He knew he was going to lose consciousness sooner or later from his injury. His shoulder and leg had been shot and he was now bleeding out from his wounds.

"В этих руинах нет ничего хорошего, все, что у меня есть - это эти чертовы пулевые раны." He cursed to himself again as he got behind a ruined wall and slumped himself against it as his energy slowly depleted. (These ruins don't have anything good, all I got are these fucking bullet wounds.)


"Не осталось ни пайка, ни даже капли молока," He groaned in pain as he attempted to put pressure on his own wounds. (No rations left, not even a drop of milk,)


"Все это просто так," He thought to himself. (All that, for nothing,)


"Полагаю, это оно." He painfully sighed as he slowly accepted his defeat for there was no other way for him to save himself. (Guess this is it.)


"Хм?" He turned his head around towards where the sound of a cat came from, "Откуда ты взялся, маленький парень?" (Huh? Where did you come from, little guy?)


The man studied the cat who he soon realised had its left foreleg look like it was freshly wounded as it weakly limped over to his injured self. "Хех, ты тоже облажался, не так ли, маленький парень." (Heh, you got fucked up too aren't you little guy.)


The man then took out his stock of medical supplies that weren't enough to save his own poor state. Using what's left of his medical supplies and his last remaining energy to treat the cat's bleeding foreleg. The cat didn't move a muscle while the man treated its wounded leg and was strangely compliant but as soon as the man finished treating its foreleg, his vision started to blur and go dark.

"Черт, я сейчас вырублюсь." he winced. (Shit, I'm losing consciousness already.)

"Ну... береги себя, парень," He weakly winced as the cat inspected its now treated foreleg. (Well... Take care little guy,)

"Продолжай жить для меня, хорошо?" Those were the last words the man said to the cat before he lost consciousness and slumped against the ruined wall. (Live on for me alright?)

The cat tapped its paw on the unconscious man's leg as if it was an attempt to get a reaction out of the man before it revealed itself to be a young woman. She raised her hand up to check the man's pulse hoping that he didn't die before her. To her relief, his pulse was still beating but it was weak.

The woman panicked for a second before she quickly thought back to a seemingly abandoned camp nearby where she had passed by not long ago. She quickly got up to her feet and ran towards where the camp was located.

It didn't take long for the woman to scour the abandoned camp hoping to find supplies that are able to help the unconscious man. She went through multiple bags and stashes around the area before she finally found a bag that was still full of supplies. She slung the bag over her shoulder as she ran back to where the unconscious man had laid.

"J'espère que cela fonctionnera." She muttered to herself as she took out the medical supplies from the bag. (Hopefully this will work.)

The woman had very limited knowledge in the medical field but she tried her best to treat the man's bullet wounds by disinfecting and wrapping them up with bandages to stop the bleeding from getting any worse. She had nearly decided to remove the man's balaclava but thought otherwise because she had a feeling that the man wouldn't be too happy about it if he woke up.

"Il vaudrait mieux que ce soit suffisant." She sighed as she finished treating his wounds and positioned him to lay on the ground. (This better be enough.)

The night was approaching and it was also starting to get colder by the hour. "Je vais devoir faire du feu." the woman said to herself as she didn't want both herself and the unconscious man to freeze to death at the dead of night. (I'll have to start a fire.)

It took her a while to collect enough materials to start a fire that was enough to warm the both of them and scoured for more supplies around the area which had a pair of blankets for both her and the unconscious man.

The woman never really liked the cold in her current form and she probably thought that she would not get accustomed to it for a long while. The woman then placed a blanket atop the man's unconscious form before wrapping one around herself as she sat next to the fire and attempted to warm herself up with it.

It wasn't long until the man shifted from his position as he slowly gained consciousness and woke up from his previous state and slowly sat himself up despite the burning feeling from his now treated wounds. He felt like he had been hit with a thousand bricks as he wondered if he was either dead or alive. As he slowly went back to his senses as the sound of a crackling campfire could be heard nearby.

The man's vision cleared up as he turned his head towards the campfire to notice a woman watching him from the other side as she warmed herself up beside it.

The woman opened her mouth to speak, "Tu te sens bien?". (You feeling alright?)

The man sat there in silence as he didn't understand what she had just said.

"Кто вы такой?" He questioned as he analysed the small makeshift campsite as the dark night sky fell above them. (Who are you?)

Not receiving a response, he looked back towards the woman only to see her face plastered with confusion, which he came to the conclusion that she didn't understand him either.

Thinking in silence for a moment, the man proceeded to talk in the little knowledge of English that he had and asked what her name was, to which her expression brightened up and responded to him in a giddy manner. The woman then asked what his name was to which he replied with one simple word, his name.

The two didn't talk much after, knowing that both would only end up in more confusion if things were to continue. The woman continued warming herself up with the campfire and tore her eyes away from his figure feeling a sense of relief that he was alive.

Meanwhile the man sat there in confusion. Why was he here? Who is that woman? Was she the one who treated his wounds? If so, why would she do that? Endless questions filling his brain to a mind-numbing degree. But if anything, he knows that at least it's safe here, no screams, no yelling, and no fear. Only the blissful comfort of the crackling fire upon the night sky.

The night continued to grow colder as the woman wrapped herself in the blanket next to the fire and laid herself down for the night and went to sleep. Wonder when she'll wake up in the morning.

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