this is a place where i dont feel alone.

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Bruce is beautiful. The way his eyes glisten in the sun, his smile is blinding, and his dimples. We were in that position for a while until I heard a snap, like someone took a picture, it was griffin who took the picture. "What? You were smiling again!" he said excitedly. "You're seeing things," I said while releasing Bruce from my headlock. "Look!" You're smiling," he showed me the photo, and I was indeed smiling. I scoffed, "can we just go to my house now, it's getting dark." I said. Everyone again as we trotted away. It was getting really, really, dark, it was 7:00, school ended at 4, we spent most of our time getting snacks at the grab n go. I yawned, I was actually really exhausted. We made it to my house, I used my key to unlock the door and immediately went inside, I wasn't going to admit it, but my arms were getting really cold. Everyone else piled in, I slumped onto the couch. Griffin came and sat on my back while everyone else sat on the floor. Bruce sat in front of me, he smelt very good. My face was faced towards the couch and I could hear giggling but I shook it off. I jumped from someone suddenly biting my arm, I looked to see who the culprit was and it was, Bruce. "what the fuck?" I mumbled. Everyone else was laughing. "shut up, I'm tired." I grumbled. "Oh yeah, sleeping arrangements!" Griffin yelled. "Billy's in my room bc I have two, finney and Robin is in the guest bedroom, and Bruce your with Vance in his room." Griffin exclaimed. "ok," Bruce responded. We ate dinner and played some board games before we all went to bed. I put on a white tank top with my green shorts, Bruce put on a short sleeve shoes and grey sweatpants. I was too sleepy to say anything so I just showed him to my room. I slumped on my bed. "Ill sleep on the floor," Bruce suggested. "Dude, the floor is like -45 degrees and hard as a rock no way, just sleep with me weirdo," I said scooting over. He mumbled something but I was too tired to hear it. I think I fell asleep almost instantly. oh well.
There was someone lurching toward me, through the trees—moving not with the easy gait of the living, but the stilted, horrific stagger of the dead. And just before the mud poured into my mouth—I screamed. I screamed, and I screamed, and I screamed.

I was shaken awake, and the person who leaned over me in the darkness was so like the stumbling figure from my nightmare that I drew in a breath to scream again. But then he slapped his hand over my mouth and leaned closer. It was Vance. When he saw that I recognized him, he pulled his hand away, and then wiped it on my pillow in a gesture that would have been funny if I weren't slowly getting used to the idea that I wasn't about to be swallows by the warty or hunted down by a zombie. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I get nightmares sometimes..." He watched me evenly. "I was getting pulled under," I said. I had to say it aloud, to make it less real. "Down into the dirt." Vances eyes meandered to my face. Then they locked together with my eyes. "Its ok," he mumbled. The room was dark and quiet; the nightmare still lurked in the back of my mind like a specter. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I don't know," I said. "I mean, yes, but...i cant go back to sleep right now. I'll end up screaming again." I looked down at my fingers. "Do you you want me to stay awake with you?" Yes, I wanted him to stay awake with me. I wanted him to put his arm sound me and let me put my head on his shoulder. I wanted him to slowly turn his face down toward mine, and I wanted him to kiss me. "I'm sorry, Bruce," he said breathlessly when I had finished. I nodded. I couldn't say it's okay because it wasn't okay. It would probably never be okay. But it was better...because he was there. He leaned over and gently kissed my forehead. A huge yawn shook my body. "You should go back to sleep," Vance said. "Do you think you can?" "Yeah," I said. "Thats not the problem. The problem is more bad dreams." "I'll stay awake, wake you up if you seem to be having a hard time." He said. how sweet. I decided to do something risky. I pulled his hand to my cheek and rested it there. "Thank you." I said. His fingers gently combed the hair out of my face. "Of course," he said. Then he leaned down and kissed my lips—a sweet, sad, concerned, protective kiss. The Lind of kiss that says more than words. That speaks of regrets and fears and hopes that we would never be able to verbalize. I wanted it to go on forever, but of course that was impossible.


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