•𝕌𝕤 𝔸𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥 𝕌𝕤•

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Erica's POV:

I stood outside the hotel room, waiting. Yet, nothing. After a good five minutes passed, I knew that Kierra didn't care to come see about me. In all honesty, that made me feel like she meant everything she said in there.

I did my best. I truly did. And I know that Ki is hurt from her past relationships but....they're not me and I'm not them. And yes, I will be honest, I should've stood up for my girl more but also, I don't know how to handle situations as such well.

Ki is the one who pushes forward without a care and I'm the one who gets tongue tied in the moment. Sometimes I don't even know how to win when it comes to her.

I always try my best when it comes to her but sometimes, I do drop the ball. It's not like I do it on purpose. I'm just human and I'm not perfect. But one thing that will never change no matter what happens between us, I will always love her with all of my heart. She is my everything but right now? I'm hurting for real.

30 minutes later:

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel, I called Tina and we talked about everything thing that occurred between Ki and I.

"Erica, I'm sorry to hear this....."

"Yeah, me too. I just don't know what to do. She wants me to choose her over this song. Thing is...there's nothing going on with me and that woman. That's what I'm trying to get her to understand!"

"E, you already know how she is. You just have to reassure her and maybe....let this one go and wait for another opportunity to pop up. That's all I can say." Tina told me.

I sighed.

"Why is she being like this?!" I said as my stress levels rose even more.

"She loves you...."

Even though I was still confused, I still allowed that sentence to repeat within my head. She loves me.

Finally, after ending the call, I just sat there. The night had fallen to be later than it already was.

So late that even my own eyes recognized that this wasn't a usual of mine. That they would've closed far earlier than this.

Yet, sitting here in the empty lobby that had only my soul and the overnight worker who checked in any early morning guest, I thought to myself.

She loves me.

And I know this to be a fact. Yet, why doesn't she trust me.

It's so crazy to think that you could love a person so deeply and as time goes by, you wish that yourself could take out this part of your own heart, loan it to them and make them understand just how deep that love does flow.

And maybe this is too cliche or deep for a persons understanding. But loving her is something that will never find its dawn.

I just have to let her know that but it's hard to do so when she doesn't even trust me. And that's all I've ever asked of her.

But for now, I can't let her see that. So, apart of me feels it being best to just give her time.

Maybe then, she will come to her senses.

Or maybe not.

Back home; Kierra's POV

After a long flight, I finally got home not too long ago and now I'm just sitting here, talking to Shamika about everything that happened in Jamaica. I need to talk to someone because honestly I'm lost.

"Ki, I understand where you're coming from but you're in the wrong. You both are but I don't think you're seeing your faults."

"I don't agree. I was disrespected, Mika. What was I supposed to do? Stay?"

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