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Hello my creatures of the night!

Thank you for taking the time to read this tale. It means the world when I see a like or comment. To know that someone is appreciating, or at least reading, the crazy stuff that spewed from my brain.

I would love your feedback on the choose your own adventure aspect as this started as an experiment; making a dark version of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I had read as a child.

Was it fun?

This is also the last we see of our poor sweet Isabelle, but all is not lost. The resonance of souls can transcend lifetimes. 💗 ... With a little magic of course. 😉

If you have not checked out Wolf and Hood, it is part of the same universe and a "modern sequel" if you will. A universe to which we have only scratched the surface.

Follow if you would like to stay tuned for updates!

♥ All my light and love,

Knightly ⚔

Blood & Cinders- Choose your Own Adventure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now