22.B 🔥

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Both were still dripping as he left her for a moment wrapped in a robed cocoon on his massive four-poster bed, while he padded back into the other room. A moment later he came back with a towel in his hands and one already wrapped around his lower half. Adam sat on the edge of the bed, bringing Isabelle into his lap unwrapping her from the robe.

Slowly, torturously he took the time to dry her legs, her arms, her torso, fingers grazing over the long scar, over her chest and back. He rubbed the towel between the ends of her damp locks and her belly coiled, thighs rubbing together, trying desperately to quench the fire between them. Was she the only one succumbing to this? It wasn't fair.

Frustrated, she yanked the towel from him, mimicking his previous movements, slowly wiping down his chest, reaching around to dab, a rumble, like a hum vibrated in his chest. But she wasn't satisfied. She wanted to explore more, to have him continue the sweet torture he delivered in the bath.

Her hands went to the towel wrapped at his waist and in a flash he turned her over. Isabelle blinked disoriented at suddenly lying on her back, the image of a powder blue sky painted with

sweet angels floated on feather wings on the ceiling above her. This was not a sight for their eyes tonight.

Adam hovered over her with his hands on either side of her head, trapping her legs between his.

"Does it still hurt?" Adam thumbed at the angry scar just below her breast. Isabelle shook her head. Her body already filled with so many other sensations that she barely registered the dull throb of the wound.

They started at one another, both committing each line and curve to memory. No more words need to be spoken between them. His head dipped down once more and he captured her lips in a searing kiss. Slow. Gentle. Passionate. She could feel his earnest heart with every brush of his fingers, every languid stroke of his tongue. She moaned and writhed beneath him as he took time exploring her virgin flesh with hand and mouth before settling at the heat between her legs.

He parted them gently open and she complied, her embarrassment flushed across her face as she wondered what his head was doing down there. That is until his tongue curled out to lap at the wetness dripping from her slit. She screamed out her delight. Fingers twining into his hair as her nails dug into his scalp. She thrust her hips up trying to draw him deeper. He came up for air, licking his lips as he did with a devilish smile.

"Your cunt tastes delicious."

Isabelle's face flushed red at his crude language. Though she would be a liar to say it didn't excite her further. He crawled up her body once again, giving her a taste of herself as he placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"This might hurt," he warned, Isabelle nodded in understanding as he removed the towel around his waist. She had glimpsed him before in the bath but it seemed somehow even larger now and fear filled her momentarily. He steadied himself at her entrance, and she gasped as he teased her slowly pushing in and out. Her eyes hooded with lust and want as her hips rose to greet his swollen cock.

"Isabelle," he breathed her name, before quickly sheathing himself inside. The pain was sharp. She cried out as her walls stretched to accommodate him and the pain of her womanhood being broken. His head dipped to the crook of her neck planting sweet kisses up to her cheek and finally her swollen lips.

"Relax" he commanded.

Adam stayed still for a while. Letting her get accustomed to his length before slowly starting to rock his hips back and forth, in and out. It was still painful as he slowly slid back and forth. Isabelle forced herself to breathe, to relax as he had instructed, and slowly the pain started to fade as a new sensation built inside her.

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