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The growling outside her door grew louder.

In the distance, someone let out a horrified shriek. The monster snarled, drawn towards the sound. The heavy thumps of its dreadful footsteps faded away.

Isabelle glanced around her room, wide-eyed and frantic as to what her next move should be. She swallowed, licking her dry lips as she tried to regain her breathing enough to think clearly.

With every breath she sucked in, she could feel her heart racing. Isabelle moved quietly around the room, searching.

"Rosie? Rosie!" she hissed, eyes darting around for the little mouse. Rosie emerged from underneath the straw mattress, squeaking.

"There you are," Isabelle sighed in relief, scooping her up and tucking the little thing into her apron pocket.

A fearsome roar echoed down the hallways and she could hear rapid footsteps of girls outside running to their rooms, slamming doors shut.

She jumped, frantically scanning her tiny dwelling. She needed something to block the door.

The wardrobe!

Using all her strength, she dragged the massive obstacle in front of the door, trying to move as quickly and as silently as possible. Hopefully, it would be enough to deter the monster from coming in.


A low growl rumbled through the corridors, the clicking of large claws against the stone ground getting closer.


Isabelle's eyes widened in fear, her fingers trembled. Goosebumps broke across her skin.


Silently backing away from the door, Isabelle tiptoed backwards until she reached her bed. Just as quietly, she slowly climbed up, moving to curl up on the far end of the straw mattress, her back hugging the wall as she fixed her wide-eyed stare on the wardrobe blocking the door.

Would it be enough?

Rosie squirmed restlessly in her pocket.


Isabelle's heart raced at a dizzying pace, and she had to remind herself to breathe.


Shivering, mouth dry, Isabelle sat frozen as the sounds of growls and footsteps ebbed ever closer.



She could hear the creature sniffing noisily around and held her breath. After a few moments, the noises quietened.

She strained; listening, waiting... but all was silent. Isabelle let out a soft breath of relief, her muscles relaxing slightly. Her eyes shifted to the window. Now all that was left to do was wait—


The sudden sound against the door startled her out of her skin. Isabelle clamped a hand over her mouth, stifling a horrified scream.

Claws scrapped, grating down the wooden door as the monster growled and snarled, begging to get in. The door rattled, the wardrobe groaned and creaked.

Another loud bang, accompanied by a ferocious snarl, and the wardrobe was pushed away from the door. Isabelle jumped off the bed and darted towards the heavy oak furniture, shoving it back into place by slamming her body against it.

An angry growl, high-pitched in tone was immediately followed by the monster ramming itself against the door, jostling the wardrobe and knocking her off balance.

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