Chapter 2 : What Did I Do?

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Hakkai takes Takemichi back to his house and watches Takemichi go inside. As Hakkai walks away he pulls out his phone and texts Mitsuya.

: H.Shiba
         I found Takemichy and dropped him off back at his place. Tell Mikey and Draken that he’s okay, please.

    Mitsuya.T :

All right. Do you know why he left? I want to make sure he’s okay.

  Hakkai hesitates for a few minutes before telling Mitsuya that Takemichi didn’t want to hang out and that he’d just rather be alone. Though Mitsuya knew he wasn’t telling the full truth, you see, when Hakkai is keeping secrets or lying he hesitates or waits minutes to respond to texts even if he’s already seen them.

   Mitsuya texts Draken and Mikey telling them that Takemichi went home and is safe before hopping back on his motorcycle and heading to Takemichi’s house. He wants to know what’s going on, he’s worried.

When Mitsuya gets to the door after parking his bike he gets nervous. What if Hakkai was telling the full truth? Or.. What if Takemichi is upset about ‘causing problems’ for the others and himself? What if Takemichi is sick and not taking care of himself? Worrying questions fill his head until he finally pushes the doorbell (my family normally calls it a ringer but I’ve learned that nobody else calls it that).  He hears a voice in his head saying that there’s danger around, so he breaks down the door and rushes into the building looking for the blond haired friend of his.

⚠️Implied sewerslide attempt, read at your own risk⚠️

He finds Takemichi asleep in his room but something catches his eye, a knife on the floor. A knife… A knife which was covered i-in. in.. blood.?

“ Takemichi, what is this?!” That's a dumb question, he knew what it was, it was a knife covered in blood. The thing is, was it Takemichi’s or someone else’s. Mitsuya heard a heavy, disgruntled groan from the boy.

  “ Takemichi, are you okay?”

“Mitsuya-kun…?” Takemichi asked who the voice belonged to, his vision was really starting to blur badly.


“I’m… s.or..ry.”

“What for? You didn’t stab anyone with this.. Did you?”



Mitsuya realizes he’s not going to get an answer, so he tries flipping the boy around.That’s when it hits. Takemichi tried taking his own life. Mitsuya calls the emergency number and requests an ambulance.

Mitsuya stares at his blood covered hands. He just wanted his friend to be okay. After all, Takemichi isn’t just his friend but also a member of Toman’s second division… He was placed under Mitsuya’s care by Mikey. It seems Mitsuya can’t protect his friend.  He only comes back to his senses when he hears a long restless *beep*.  Takemichi went into cardiac arrest.

This is the first time he’s really looked at Takemichi since he found ‘michi half dead. Takemichi’s chest seems bigger, the size of mangos maybe. But just six minutes ago, Takemichi was flatter than a piece of paper. 

  He can’t quite figure it out.

~ at the hospital~

Mitsuya’s on call with Hakkai and is telling him that the friend of theirs was in fact not okay and that Takemichi could possibly die, because Hakkai left him alone.

As soon as he hangs up he sees the Tachibana family, Takemichi’s only emergency contacts. Mitsuya didn’t know any of them except Hinata so he walked up to her, apologized and asked who the others were.

   “My family.. They are my *sob* family.”

“Why are they Takemichy’s emergency contacts instead of his parents?”

“Michi….” “His family..*hic* le-eft him al-al-lo-lone..” Her breathing turns ragged as she speaks in between sobs. She cares about him a lot. He can’t die yet. He’s not allowed to. Why wasn't she told he was feeling this way?

Mitsuya starts to cry slightly, knowing that someone you care about is going to die without a family that cares, really upsets him.

"Takemichy …"

Just before Mitsuya can say anything else, Mikey, Draken, Hakkai, and the other two who were looking for the boy show up.

Mitsuya looks Hakkai in the eyes and marches up to him. "You said that when you dropped him off he was fine, so what the hell happened to him?"

"I jus-"

"He's part of Toman's second division, Hakkai. He was fine when you left, sure, but why did you leave him. I don't expect you to know what happens to others when you aren't there, but I do expect you to help me make sure people in our division are safe."

" I dropped him off at the door, he smiled at me and went inside, I thought he was alright! I didn't know that this would happen!… Where are his parents? I believe they deserve an apology from me, seeing as I was the one who left him alone……."

( Not me making Hakkai blame himself, my heart hurts 😭)

End of chapter 2

Word count: 827

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