Chapter 5: Going Home

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When the two boys wake up it’s 12:06 in the afternoon. Mitsuya rests his head in Takemichis’ neck to avoid the afternoon sunlight.

“Mhnm- oww..” Takemichi groans. “Morning ‘Suya.”

“Morning Michy..” Mitsuya grumbles into Takemichi’s neck. “You okay?”

“Mhm, I just fell asleep on my arm and now it hurts more.”

“Let me see-”

“Takemichi-chan, Are you okay?” Hina rushes in Emma and Naoto behind her.

“Oh?... I’m sorry if we interrupted something.” Naoto says as he  turns around to leave.

“NAOTO!”... “Don’t insinuate things like that..”

“C’mon ‘Michi you’re telling me that you didn’t even kiss him?” Emma asks after seeing Michi on top of Mitsuya.

“No. He’s just a… really good friend, yeah.Friend.” Takemichi says hiding his face in Mitsuyas chest due to embarrassment.

‘Bummer’ Hina and Emma think at the same time.

“How are you, my dear baby flower?” Hina asks caringly.

“Huhm phen.” (I’m fine) Takemichi mumbles into Mitsuyas shirt.

“ ‘Michi I’m gonna leave so you can spend time with them, alright.” Mitsuya says roling them both over and climbing out of the bed.

“ M’kay, bye ‘Suya. Have a good day.” He says watching his friend leave.

Mitsuya leaves feeling well rested and happy, so he calls his friends to see if they want to hang out. However, Mikey and Draken aren’t too happy with him. Draken wanted to talk with Takemichi on a personal matter. Mikey is jealous that Mitsuya got to hang out all night with Takemichi.

After a couple hours of death stares and endless fun Draken goes to visist Takemichi leaving Mitsuya and his other friends to take care of Mikey.

“Takemichy, I came to visit, I brought you a gift as well..” Draken says holding a tiny bag up in the air.

“Draken… I’m sorry.” Takemichi says while remembering the weeks before he almost committed, he remembers the person standing before him covered in blood half dead.

“What for? It’s not your fault.”

“What do you want to talk about?” changing the conversation, ‘Michi asks.

“Don’t do that, ‘Michi.”

“Do what?”

“That. You know why I’m here. Tell me why, Michi, why were you hurting yourself?”Draken wants an answer.

“I thought I already told you guys…”

“You did, but I know it was a lie.”Draken says, upset that his friend lied to them.

“I did it as a means to escape reality.”

“That’s not a way to escape reality, Michi.”


“YOU COULD HAVE LEFT US PERMANENTLY!” Draken yells and ‘Michi flinches.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you, I’m sorry.”

"It's okay…Draken.. If that's all, you can leave now."

"I'll leave, just,take the bag."

“Okay.. I’m sorry, love you.”

“Goodbye, Takemichy.”

“Yeahh..bye.” Takemichi says in a hushed whisper, watching Draken leave as he opens the gift bag.

Inside the bag are two jewllery boxes. One holds a double-sided necklace with a semi-colon on one side and a quote on  the other, “My story isn’t over yet.”; the other box held a set of butterfly shaped semi-colon earrings and a matching ring. The ring has a script folded neatly in the center of it.

The script reads;

Takemichi, I know you don’t want to ask for help and that you feel like a burden. Please, tell someone you trust if you realize that you’re hurting. I know w e didn’t meet you on such nice terms, but you can trust me ‘cause I trust you. I trust you with my life. You helped everyone a lot. Just, please, the next time you feel that way, give it a second thought. We care about you.

-Ryuguji Ken

P.S I hope you like the gifts.

Takemichi feels guilty and gets up to go find his friend. However, an orange sign outside his room is seen by a nurse nearby and she ushers him back in his room. She explains to him that he is not to exit his room because of the incident.In other words, he, at 14, needs a ‘babysitter’.

After thinking about how he could go see Draken. He sees his bed sheets and looks out his window. Sadly it's too far to make a linen lined rope. He decides to wait. Surely Draken will come back sometime this week.

Of course that was what he thought. He waited….and waited.

Draken will show up later this week, maybe..

Just then, the door opens.

“Draken, I’m so- oh, you aren’t him..”

“Hanagaki, you are being discharged from the hospi- You look tired, did you sleep last night Hanagaki?”

“I was waiting for someone, but nevermind that, where are the forms I need to fill out in order to go home?”

“Right here, ma’am.” says a nurse, giving him a small stack of paper. To which Takemichi feels a hard pang in his chest.

“Hey, Miss, could I ask a favor of you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Could you tell the next person who comes looking for me that I went to the place where I grew up?”

“Yes, ma’am. However, where exactly would I be telling them you went?”

“They know.”

“Okay, ma’am. Have a good day.”

End Chapter 5. Have a lovely day my lovely little flowers 💐

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