Chapter 3

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So I'm back with Chapter 3 and have some ideas and implements for a little later in the story and can't wait to use them and make some things happen. I absolutely love Marcus and Chase together is this and I love the plot. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed this and have a good day.

Marcus and Chase woke back up together around noon. Chase used his super hearing and heard nothing out of the ordinary. "I don't hear anything. I'll go downstairs and check if anyone is here or not." Chase told Marcus before sneaking downstairs. There was nobody home but there was a note on the kitchen counter. Davenport had dragged Tasha, Bree, Adam and Leo to a last minute invention convention. Chase smiled seeing he could be alone with Marcus. He walked back upstairs. "Hey, guess what?" Chase asked Marcus. "What?" Marcus asked. "Davenport and Tasha left for a last minute invention convention and they took Adam, Bree and Leo with them. They didn't want to wake us up. They figured we were tired and to let us sleep." Chase explained. "Awesome. Now I can spend my day with you." Marcus said, going to Chase and hugging him. Chase hugged back. "So, what do you want to do?" Chase asked after he pulled away. "We could go out to lunch and then come back here for some fun." Marcus suggested. "Sounds good. Just let me get changed." Chase told him. "Ok, I should change too." Marcus agreed. "What you're wearing is perfect." Chase told him. "Ok, I need to fix my hair though" Marcus said. Marcus went to the bathroom to fix his hair and things while Chase went to his closest. Chase grabbed a black t-shirt along with a blue plaid shirt to go over that and a pair of black skinny jeans. He then closed his closest door halfway and changed. Chase then slid on his converse and threw the dirty clothes in the hamper. He smirked when he remember what took place in the bedroom the night before. There was so many things that he wanted to do to Marcus and for Marcus to do to him, and that chance was going to happen since they'd be alone for the rest of the weekend, since it was of course Saturday and there was no school Monday. Plus Davenport, Adam, Bree, Leo and Tasha wouldn't be back until Monday because of the invention convention.

"Are you ready to go?" Marcus asked Chase. "Yep. Who's car are we taking?" Chase asked. "Mine." Marcus told him. Chase smiled. "Ok." He said, tossing Marcus his keys, which were on the dresser. Marcus caught the keys in his right hand before hugging Chase, his arm around him as they walked out of the house to Marcus' car. They made sure to lock the door before leaving, as Chase had his house keys with him. They then went to Marcus' 2013 GMC Sierra 1500 pickup truck, which was black. Marcus go in the driver's side and Chase got in the passenger seat. Marcus started the car as the engine roared to life, calming down to a soft purr. "Do you want to listen to any music?" Marcus asked Chase. Chase rolled his eyes since that was a bit of a dumb question for them. "When don't I?" Chase asked. "When you have a migraine or any headache. What do want to listen too?" Marcus asked. "Avenged Sevenfold." Chase answered. Marcus smiled and put a cd in the disk drive. Buried Alive immediately began playing through the speakers. Chase smiled as he high fived Marcus. Afterwards, Marcus pulled out of the Davenport's driveway. It was big enough to have a spot for Marcus, and Marcus came over often enough.

Marcus drove them to the over to the diner in town and they got lunch there and talked. "So, you guys a couple?" One of the waitresses, Tina asked as Marcus and Chase were leaving. She went to Mission Creek part time since she had to look after her two young sons. Marcus and Chase looked at each other and then back at Tina. "Well, um.." Chase began. "It's ok, I don't care. I'm in a few of your classes so you might of seen me around school." Tina explained. Marcus nodded. "oh well then." He said. "I can tell by the way you're acting that you guys are dating. Good luck to y'all." Tina told Marcus and Chase with a long, southern drawl. To Chase, she sounded as if she was from Tennessee. "Thanks. We'll see you around." Chase told Tina. "Yeah, see you around." Marcus said. "Well that was awkward." Chase said after they got back to Marcus' truck. "Yeah, we kinda need to be careful now." Marcus said, looking down. "Chase placed his hand under Marcus' chin. "Hey, no matter what happens, we have each other. And that's a promise." He told Marcus. "Yeah, everything is better with you." Marcus said to Chase. Right then and there, Chase kissed Marcus. Marcus kissed back deeply. The kiss was passionate, like the ones when they had first started dating. Marcus smiled after the kiss broke and Chase laid his head on Marcus' shoulder. "As much as I love you, we should go back to your place." Marcus told Chase. "Alright." Chase said, sitting up straight.

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