🦄Drama and Pack Bonding🦄

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Apani's Pov

Its been a few weeks since Jay and Embry shifted. They've been back in school for a week now. Jay said Embry imprinted on a quiet girl named Kim in the hallway their first day back. So he's been talking to her and getting to know her.

His anger isn't really an issue until he goes home. So uncle Billy told Tiffany that Sam will be mentoring him and she flipped the fuck out. She is so annoying and dramatic.

We all think that Embry is Sam's little brother. There scents are very similar. Tiffany's reaction pretty much confirmed it for me.

Sam and Embry decided to do a DNA test after Tiffany flipped out. The results came back. "Drum roll please," they're brothers. They have been getting to know each other better every since.

Embry went home about a week later to confront his mom. They got into a really big argument. He asked Sam and Emily could he move in with them? They both told him yes. So he moved out of Tiffany's house.

She got mad and said he's not her son anymore. Embry told her thats even better "now" he doesn't have to worry about being the tribe slut's son anymore. No one feels sorry for her either.

Paul beat his dad's ass that same day. His dad came home drunk with all his bullshit. Paul fought him back this time. Damn near killed him. It got ruled as self - defense because he's still a minor. His dad also hit him first. So the dickhead is in jail now.

Paul called to tell me what happened. My mom heard what I was saying to calm him down. So she told me to tell him to come and bring all of his stuff with him. So he pretty much moved in with us.

I have been thinking alot lately. My sister hardly comes home and she really doesn't want to move back here either. I really think my mom should downsize. I could definitely get my own place as well. So I decided to get an apartment. This was about a week after Paul moved in.

When my mom came home I decided to go tell her my thoughts. I told her about getting an apartment and Ace being my roommate. She said its a good idea. That way all the bills won't be on me while I'm in college. So I told Paul and Jare about my idea and they agreed with it.

I started looking around the reservation, I found a duplex not far from Emily's house. Its a 2 bedroom/2.5 bath. I talked to the landlord and he said to come see it on Wednesday.

Paul and I went together to see it. We loved it. Its the perfect amount of space for us. So we went with the landlord to sign the papers and pay the deposit the same day.

Ace already took his stuff to the apartment yesterday. I finally got all my things packed up. Jare came over and helped us take my things over today. We setup our beds and rooms. Now we just need furniture for the main areas.

My mom helped me pick out furniture online so it can be delivered to the apartment. Uncle Billy and some of the elders gave us money to get our living and dining room furniture. So once we get everything setup we're going to have a barbecue for everyone.

Jare's parents have been arguing alot lately. He said he thinks his dad is cheating because he was hardly ever home up until last month. When it gets real bad I let him come over and stay with me. His mom said she wants a divorce in their last argument. Its so much drama going on right now.


Sam decided since there hasn't been much leech activity we're going to have a pack bonding day. He said we all need to relax. So Jay and I are helping Emily make sandwiches, and other food to take with us to the beach. The guys went to buy drinks and ice.

We got all setup at the beach. Jay and I are floating around with pool noodles in the water and the guys are playing soccer. This really was a good idea. Embry invited Kim so she's sitting on a blanket talking to Emily. I wonder when he's going to tell her.

We look up and see Ace doing his victory dance. So I guess his team won. The guys decided to go cliff diving after. So Jay and I decided we are going with them. We got out of the water and ran to catch up.

Once we got up there Paul grabbed Jay ran and jumped with her in his arms. Before I knew it Jare did the same thing with me. I screamed going down. It was fun though. We went back up again. This time Jay and I held hands and jumped together. We went back to floating with our pool noodles after the second jump.

The guys jumped a few more times. A prank came to mind and I started making the ground hot under their feet like lava, when they went up the last time. It looked like they were doing some kind of weird ritual dance up there. Jay and I was laughing at them.

They all jumped at the same time. It made Jay and I go up really fast and high on a wave. We were still laughing though.

Each one them looked at me. So I made seaweed grab there legs. I got out of the water and started running. I couldn't hold them while I was running and laughing. So they all started chasing me. I was yelling, "somebody save me."

Emily, Jay, and Kim were not trying to help me at all. Those cackling damn hens. Jare tackled me. He and Ace tickled me until I could barely breath. We sat down and ate after that. This turned out really well. No drama for once.


Jare and I went for a walk after we ate. He was holding my hand with our fingers intertwined. This girl was standing by the shore, she turns around and looks at us Jare freeze and I get the same feeling I got when I looked into Jare's eyes. I couldn't speak right away.

The girl was none other than Leah Clearwater. And she is so beautiful. I've never been this close to her before. Her eyes are like chestnuts or milk chocolate.

We're still staring at her. She clears her throat and says," its not polite to stare." I blurt out, "you're so beautiful," and she blushes. Jare then says, "yeah what she said." All of us are standing there looking like red tomatoes. She is our imprint.

I have two imprints. This is crazy. I wonder will she accept us. "Oh God" she's Sam's ex. I'm having a mini mental meltdown inside. Meanwhile Jare asked her for her phone number. I'm glad because my tongue can't work anymore. She said that we could call her anytime. Jare gets my hand and tugs me away.

Jare says, "does her cat still got your tongue." I say, "oh so you aren't a cat licker?" Then my eyes widen. He looks at me and smirks saying, "do you want to find out?" I take off running back to the pack yelling, "ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION." Jare chases after me laughing.

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