🦄Dear Diary🦄

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Dear diary,

Where do I start? Uggghhh..... Let's see. There's soooo much to update. Well Jake did exactly what I thought he would do. He was upset with Bella for a few weeks. She called and apologized and idk what else. Now he's right back up her ass again. Acting like the slut walks on water.

I heard in the grocery store that she had an abortion because she had sex with two different guys. Just fucking nasty. I hope my cousin wakes up.

Something went down with the leeches because Bella ran away. Then she ends up in a hospital in Arizona. Her boyfriend supposedly went to bring her back and she fell down stairs and out a window...........SERIOUSLY!

That's by far the dumbest shit you can say happened.

Charlie called uncle Billy crying and apologizing to him. He said he doesn't know what to do with Bella. And he feels stupid as hell now. I feel bad for him.

Charlie told Bella to go back with her mom to Florida and she flipped out. Because he said she needs some distance from Edwin.

Yeah and dumb ass really thinks he got a "chance."

My mom and Mrs. Clearwater told him to put his foot down. Then uncle Billy said send her ass to military school. Seems like Charlie doesn't like the creepy leech.

He said he thinks military school is probably the best option. He wants her away from her boyfriend. So we'll see.

Uncle Billy still hasn't went fishing with him or been over to watch the game at his house. But he does talk to him here and there on the phone now. I don't think they'll be that close again.

Jake evidently has been moping around because Bella went to prom with her boyfriend. Jake thinks that he can win her over. He is such a dumb ass.


Dear diary,

Jay comes over and stays with Ace when Jake pisses her off. They are so cute together.

No one gets to see the sweet side of Ace except us. He opens doors for her and everything. He has always had a sweet side to him for me. But for Jay he always did little things that made it obvious he liked her in that way. He just wouldn't tell her because he felt like he wasn't good enough for her. I hate his dickhead dad with a passion. I'm glad he got prison time.

Jay ended up in 3 fist fights in school with jealous skanks. Jare said, "Paul cleared every last girl possible in the cafeteria today." I laughed so hard. I literally could picture him doing it too. He did it in straight rude ass Paul fashion too. He stood up and said real loud that Jay is his girlfriend and he never had one before her. So if you opened your got damn legs that's your fault, "DEAL" with it. I love Jay." Then he sat down and started back eating.

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