Chapter 3 - Other Spider people

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"Dang it. Another random person." The guy beside the girl says. "That's not Peter." The girl whispers to the guy beside her. "Peter?" I say, recognizing the name to be my brother. "Me?" My brother asks. They give each other a weird glance. "No, not you. Our Peter." The girl says. I had a feeling this was another universe.

"Do you guys know where your Peter is?" They both shake their heads. "Who are you, and how do you know Peter?" The girl spoke while picking up a piece of bread and aiming it at me. I put my free arm up in surrender. "Woah, woah, it ok! No need to launch the dough!" I say jokingly. "I'm Penny Parker. This is Peter, my brother. Who are you?" I ask, wanting to get the answer that I was just asked for. "Penny Parker and...small Peter Parker? What did you say while doing the portal thing?" The girl questions the guy beside her. "I said to bring younger Peter Parker. I thought trying the age difference thing would help?" The girl just brought her hand to her forehead.

While those two were talking, I looked over to the other two men standing with us. One of them had a suit like the Spider-Man on tv, and the other just had regular clothes. The Spider-Man suit wasn't the same one from the news though, this was someone else. My sense went off while looking at both of them. I backed away from them, not removing them from my sight. I pushed my brother to the side of my body, out of harm's way. Who are they? Why am I getting the senses?

Since none of them were making the first move to fight, I jumped up onto the ceiling and shot my webs at their wrists. I jumped off the roof and crouched on the floor. They both jumped back and shot webs at me. I dodged the first one that came from the regular clothed man but didn't see the second one coming. My wrist was attached to the wall behind me. The short one looks at me with wide eyes. "You're a Spider-Man too?!" I shake my head. "No, she's Spider-Woman." My brother says as I pull the web off my wrist. "Why didn't you just say so?" The short one asks. "Well, it's not something I need everyone to know. Kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing." I say with a shrug.

They all give a confused look. "I just said that." The regular clothed man says. "We just said that." The one in the suit says. "They just said that." The girl says. "Common saying then?" I guess. The shorter guy slightly jumps up and down in excitement. "This is so cool! There are 4 other Spider-people! Peter will be so happy!" I silently laugh at his reaction. The jumping guy stops and stares at my brother. "Wait, do you have the spider thing too?" He shook his head. "No, he doesn't. I do. Why would he have powers? He's 6." The guy gives a sad look. "Oh."

"I still didn't get your names?" I say. They all look to me. The smaller guy speaks up. "Sorry, I'm Ned, this is MJ, that's Peter and Peter." My heart drops at the thought of my dead boyfriend, Mathew-Jones, and my friend, Ned. "What? That's impossible." I say in disbelief. They give me a confused look. "You two died." I point to Ned and MJ as if it were obvious. They shake their heads. "No, we're alive. We're right here." Ned says. "Look I know this is gonna sound confusing, but you're from a different universe. So everyone that you lost in your world, could be alive here." MJ tells me. I nod my head, slowly understanding.

Before I could ask anymore questions, an older woman came into the room with a mad expression. She looked at Ned and started speaking Tagalog, I think. After she was done, Ned translated for us. "My Lola's asking if you could clean up the webs you just shot." All 3 of us nodded our heads and gave an apologetic look to Ned's Lola. "Oh, sorry Lola." The Spider-Man in the suit says. "Yes, of course." The one in casual clothes agrees. "Oh, yeah, sorry." I apologize.

Ned's Lola walks off. "I'm going to bed." Why couldn't she have spoken English before? Ned waves to his Lola. "Night Lola." "Good night, Ned's Lola," MJ says. "Uh, this might seem kind of weird, but I've been trying to find your friend ever since I got here. I just have this sense that...that he needs my help." The casually clothed Peter says. I nod. "Yeah, me too." "Our help." The other Peter says. MJ nods at what he said. "He does." "We don't know where he is." Ned sadly says. "And, um, honestly, right now we're all he has left" MJ tells us. I widen my eyes a little, feeling sympathetic for this universe Peter and his two friends.

"Well, uh, is there someplace that he might go that has meaning to him? Like a place where he would go to just-?" The Peter to my left asks, trying to figure out a way to say his sentence. "Get away from everything?" The Peter to my right finishes his sentence. "To feel free?" I add on. They both nod their heads. "For me, it was the top of the Chrysler Building." The left Peter admits. "Empire State. It's a better view." The one to my right says. I nod my head, agreeing with him. "That is a sweet view." The other Peter smiles. "Cemetery for us." My brother tells us. They all look at us, with another confused look. "Long story." I shake it off.

"Anyway, yeah. I-I think I know exactly where that would be." MJ mumbled.

AN: Thank you for reading Chapter 3! I hope you liked it!

I drew the Spider-Woman at the top, and I'm proud of it lol.

I wish Loki was alive 😢 . Have a good day!

Word count: 1030

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