Party hard

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Luis Pov:

Jordyn is laying back on my chest, she has really good music taste, like we like all of the same music. The rest of the ride we're listening to music, we were both lightly singing along when Dean turns the music down. "We're here" he says I open the door for Jordyn and she gets out I hear a light thank you "what was that." Thank you she whispers again "sorry can u repeat that?" I asked obnoxiously "Thank you!" She said a lot louder, "your welcome pretty girl." I say taking a bow to her, she looked breathtaking, gorgeous, and strong all at the same time,

I plan to keep and eye on her all night, not that I don't trust her, I don't trust all these random guys, when we walked in, she ran to the kitchen and got a drink, I rolled my eyes, about 40 minutes into the party I kept looking over at her talking to Connie and Julie, she was clearly safe so I don't know why I kept looking maybe just nervous, but then dean and guy came and got Connie and Julie at the same time a guy walked over to jordyn, I felt my face heat up and my jaw clench immediately,

but then some bimbo came and started touching all up on me, "hey handsome what's your name." She says with a flirtatious smile, "Luis." I respond coldly, "Well Luis wanna take this upstairs," she asks, weird I don't even know her, "No." I said almost in a rude tone,

I look back at jordyn and she's gone. My breathe hitches, I look back at the girl and walk away, I walk over to the kitchen and get a drink, a big one, I chug the whole thing down, I go for another, I chug that one as well.

About 2 cups later I walk over to the guys, "Sup guys" they turn and look at me immediately shocked, "Holy hell man your wasted," Jesse says. "I am not, btw have any of you seen Jordyn?" I wonder how she's doing, in that moment we hear screaming.

"PLEASE! STOP! NO IM JUST A GIRL LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" I recognized the voice immediately I run out to where the screaming came from to see Jordyn on the verge of tears while the guy tries to pull her dress down I see him get closer to her. "C'mon baby just show me." He whispered loud enough for people close to hear.

People may call Me a player but I would never touch a girl who didn't want it, Matter of a fact I've never even had sex. Everyone always figured out I was playing them right before but anyways.

I walk up to him and shove him on the ground, he gets back up, "Oh you wanna do this really." Everyone gathers outside and he pushes me back, I stay on my feet, I swung at him and hit him clean in the nose, he hits me in the mouth. Busting my lip, (suddenly I'm a vampire- phee) I grab his collar and hit him in face, he falls to the ground, I get on top of him and repeatedly hit him, now my knuckles are gushing blood and he's covered in it, "LUIS PLEASE! LUIS HES NOT EVEN MOVING ANYMORE!"

Jordyn yells, usually i would keep fighting but since she wants me to stop, I get up off him and walk past everyone. I hear heals clacking behind me,

"Luis, can I see your hand?" It's jordyn, I turn around and give her my hand,

"Oh my god, c'mon," she grabs my hand it takes me to the closest bathroom she looks in the cabinet and finds a wrap kinda thing, she then grabs my hand.

"You know you didn't have to do that right?" She asks me, I know she's not being ungrateful, she probably just doesn't want me fighting for her,

"I did." I tell her a s I wince in pain,

"no you didn't I would've been okay." She tells me, she doesn't know how cruel these guys could be to a 14 almost 15 year old girl.

"Listen jordyn he could've done a lot more than you know, and I didn't want anything to happen to you," I tell her as she's move in between my legs,

"why can't u I thought you hated me." She asks and tells at the same time.

"I do I just can't have anything happen to a young girl when I could've prevented it." She rolls her eyes.

"So if it was a random girl would you have done that, I would help the girl but I probably wouldn't go as far as to knock the guy out but that's besides the point,

"I mean I would've helped I wouldn't have went as far." She chuckles, I can't help but stare at her, she's so focused trying to help me, I didn't want to do that to the guy by he did keep trying to fight me. I'm drunk not thinking right I do one of the dumbest thing, "your really pretty you know that right," I say smiling at her,

"Your drunk Mendoza you don't what your saying." She looks up at me with those big hazel eyes,

"Drunken words are sober thoughts." I say looking down at her, she looks up at me and sends me the beautiful smile.

"C'mon we gotta go and meet with the team," she looks up at me, I'm swooned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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