chapter 7

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Henry pov:

I close the door. I wish ralph didn't live so high up. Cause now I have to go all the way down them steps. Maybe it could be good.. I'll come back here sometime. Anyways, I finish walking down the stairs. God, I'm out of breath with the amount of stairs there are, and it doesn't help that my back hurts like fuck. I've just remembered what happened before I went to Ralph's. Now I have to deal with it again.

People call me horrid henry because they always see me when I'm 'bullying' perfect Peter, and they say that I'm the bad guy because he's so nice and innocent. But believe me when I say, it's the total opposite!! (Creds to anime_girlie21 for the idea ♡) and because i defend myself, when people see perfect Peter being horrible to me they say that's its karma! One day, I hope Peter gets the karma he deserves.

When I snap out my mind, im at my house already. I go through the gate and up into the window to get to my room because If they saw my 'faggot face' I would get a wip..

SORRY FOR ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER, (I need ideas for this fix to continue, please give me some if you have any ᰔ)

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