chapter 8 (smut?)

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Henrey pov:

I climb into my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and look up at the ceiling. I remember everything I just did with Ralph. I turn red. I can just remember what it felt like. Him inside of me, slamming in and out. I start to feel myself getting hard at the thought of it. I start to take my pants and my boxers off and lay them in each other incase I get called down and need to place them on quickly. I start brushing my hand against it.   I groan at the feeling of my cold hand touching my dick. I rub my palm at my tip slowly and progressively getting quicker. I kept my moans in as I didn't need to let them out. I place my hand in a cylinder type form and jack myself off. It felt to good to masturbate after sex. I get half way through it before I feel a little vibration on the bottom of my back area. It slowly got quicker and quicker, feeling more amazing each time. I arch my back in the pleasure of this. "R-ralph vibr-rator~" I say shaking, as I can not say it in my mind. I can't keep the moans in so cover my mouth with my pillow. I quicken the pace of my hand around my dick, letting out large moans of pleasure.
"C-CUMMING" I yell back *pun intended* I laugh at my own words still shaking. How will I hide it? I don't have my phone to text Ralph to stop it. I could say that I just didn't sleep. It wouldn't make sense but it would shut them up. 
"HURRY UP BRAT" dad yells this time. I slide my boxers and pants on and open the door.
"What do you wa-" I started to say but before I could finish my sentence, I slipped down the stairs. I let out a small moan but it wasn't loud enough to hear.

sorry I haven't had time to make more chapters but I haven't really had the mental energy. To any suggestion I had in my last chapter, I will most likely be doing them soon dw. I won't be updating as much as I would hope.

Hope you under stand, ILY GUYS 🫶

Horrid Henry X Rude Ralph (SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now